How I Would Learn To Code (If I Could Start Over)
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This is exactly how I would learn to code if I could start over again. This is the full step by step, A - Z of learning to code including the programming languages, frameworks, tools, learning resources, portfolio, gear and more.
To all the up and coming developers out there, you CAN do it.
0:00 Introduction
0:53 The Mindset
1:39 Programmer Mindset
2:46 It's Gonna Get Hard
3:10 North Star
4:03 The Madness
4:25 The Highest Paying Jobs
5:07 Programming Language + Frameworks
5:50 Web Developer Route
6:05 Job Opportunities For Junior Developers
6:46 Web Development Strategy
7:27 My Top 3 Learning Resources
8:02 Scrimba Walkthrough
8:54 Tips To Consider
9:19 The Schedule + Challenge
9:58 Inevitable Problems
10:54 Freecodecamp Walkthrough
11:30 Moving To Youtube + Portfolio Overview
12:24 Setting Up Your Local Workspace
13:08 Gear + Laptop
14:00 Choosing Our Youtube Projects
15:00 The Portfolio Strategy
16:25 Quick Maths
17:00 Github + Pushing Your Code
17:26 Learning Git
18:08 The Money
18:30 Building Your Portfolio
19:24 Hosting Projects
19:52 READMEs
21:10 Typescript
22:00 Leetcode
22:36 Bonus Tips
22:58 Why Learning To Code Is Cool
23:10 Closing Comments + Subscribe
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