No One Covers Home and Runner Scores Easily

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"should the bat boy run out" !!


Once the pitcher sees the catcher coming hard for the ball, he should sprint for home instantly.


Great Vid & breakdown. this is exactly the content I want to see!! In the moment, just a very difficult play- it does appear pitcher was responsible? just really close in play


Let it roll. It's probably staying fair, but.... it's your only hope. Pitcher has to peel off when the catcher plays the ball. Third base has to cover third, or the runner just follows him home. Short has second, second is going to cover first if the first baseman comes in on it, or if that underflip scoop goes wild - it's not a reliable accurate throw.


This reminds me of that Little League WS play in terms of the ball placement and someone not covering a base.


This is one of those plays where the ball is in “no man’s land”. If the catcher does get the ball I don’t think he even has a lane to make a throw. Waiting to see if it goes foul was probably the best decision but in the heat of the moment it’s a hard call to make. Instincts tell you to get the ball.

When I was coaching I taught pitchers to cover home every time you see the catcher leave his position. It was just my rule of thumb whether or not there were base runners. This way it was just something they did out of habit and home plate was very rarely left open with runners on.

No one is perfect and even professionals will make basic mistakes every now and then. This was a tough play


This is a near catch 22 situation, where all things need to go perfect for the defense or things all go wrong. The catcher absolutely had to pick-up the ball, hold the runner on third, and then throw to first to get the out. Once the catcher failed the offense had the strategic advantage as the pitcher had to recover the ball vs cover home.


Could the 3rd baseman read the play down 1st baseline, and pretty much KNOW that the play isn't going to 3B? Then sprint to cover home well ahead of the baserunner who's likely just about 1/2 to 2/3rds way to 3B, and still have to turn 90 degrees before himself sprinting home?


Yeah, I 100% agree and the pitcher froze after the play was "executed" by the catcher. That's the pitchers responsibility all day. However, "to err is human" and that's what makes sports and baseball in general so beautiful -- just the variation of fuckery that can happen on any given play. 🤷🏽


Catcher's fault. As the dad of the greatest defensive catcher in history, he'd never had played this wrong. One exception: we're up by a lot and the run means nothing. But I've got this exact play on video multiple times and my son, greatest person to ever play catcher, didn't let the run score!


to answer your question, yes, the bat boy is the right person to be covering home in this situation. not sure how he missed this one


Don't even need to do a manual adjustment, it's all automatic. Aside from that, your mic just sounds bad even though you have another one that sounds good. Either you're not using your good one for some reason, or it's going through some lossy compression or filter.


Always protect home. We can live with a runner on third.


Could third baseman have just continued to home, and short stop gone to third since the first baseman stayed at first?


Yea and also you have to know what the situation is and where your defense is playing and who is running the bases. Because as you see the first baseman had no chance in fielding this ball and so like Matty said you have to communicate on who is going after this ball. You are taught that if this ball is near the line like it is here you wait and see if it rolls foul but in this case your not sure if it will roll foul. Plus the only option that the catcher had was to field this ball bare handed in order to get this runner out at first base but you have to know the speed of the runner that is running to first and also the runner at second. But you are taught to cover a base and so the pitcher is the only one in this case that should had covered home


It seems to me, though, with a runner on second, and this hit is made, That the runner is almost guaranteed to get third base, so the third baseman doesn’t really need to cover third base. Especially if he’s already playing in for the bunt, he could get to home well before the runner from second base.
What do you think?


It was obviously the Center Fielder's job to cover Home Plate.


NOT the Bat Boy, HE’s feeding the Orioles!!


Yes, the batboy was out of position.
Seriously, once the catcher booted the play, everyone was easily safe.


Hypothetically, if the runner was on third does the catcher stay put. I think yes, but then everything is on the pitcher.
