Patella (Knee Cap) Subluxation Pain

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Patella subluxation is a partial dislocation of the kneecap (patella). It's also known as patellar instability or kneecap instability.
The perfect storm: Slightly loose soft tissues, increased Q-angle, shallow trochlear groove, and strong muscle pull.

▶️ I will talk about treatment on an upcoming post.
Got Joint Pain? I’m here for you. -MoraMD, Joint Anti-Aging Specialist. ______________________________________➡️ Dr. Mora is a Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, Fellowship Trained and Founding Partner at Restore Orthopedics and Spine Center @restoreortho in Orange County. He is the Medical Director at the prestigious Mixed Martial Arts Center, The Treigning Lab @treigning_lab. He received his Orthopedic Surgery training at LAC+USC.
He specializes in:
-Sports Trauma
-Joint Anti-Aging
-Knee Arthritis
-Regenerative Medicine: Lipogems, Bone Marrow Concentrate Stem Cells, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. 📞 For a consultation please call 714.332.5498

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THANK YOU!!!! this video finally got my 16 year old daughter to understand why she needs to wear her braces!!!


I actually fractured my kneecap while I was running. I asked my orthopedic doctor how this happened, and he said it was because of everything you explained there- that my quad flexed as my leg hyperextended. I can't quite remember what else he said about it, but basically somehow instead of dislocating my knee the force just cracked my patella longitudinally toward the lateral side. Still a very mysterious and interesting injury to me, I may want to become an orthopedic surgeon now.


I have had multiple subluxations throughout my teenage years, and my adult life and now especially when I am walking tensely on icy sidewalks and my knee gives out at least once per time I go out for a walk....the frequency of these subluxations is increasing....sounds like I will have to get that MRI done....I am in my 40's....and I walk like a 90 year old now to try and avoid more subluxations but it happens almost every time I go out. This was a very informative video. Thank you.


This actually happen to me for 3-4 years now and I am 17 at the moment. As he stated it was as simple as stretching and waking for me but mine did not make a popping noise it but rather it was silent. I REALLY WISHED I knew this was a thing before it was too late for me. You see I had subluxation on BOTH my knees. I was constantly walking on eggshells anticipating for my knees to just pop in and out. It would hurt sometimes but like I could walk it off a few minutes later so I never paid attention to it. I told my family but I thought it as like a flexible thing or nothing serious and I regret that so much now…in the month of March…in school I subluxated BOTH my knees at the same time and the pressure from my backpack and gravity was so bad that I was in agony my knees started to swell a lot it was impossible to walk. I finally went to the hospital in a wheelchair and later got an MRI scan for both knees. Turns out I did indeed subluxated my knees TO THE POINT my tendon got loosen, cardilge chipped off, and my bone was not aligned to my kneecap. My kneecap was also both tilted which caused my knees to go back and forth easily. Now at 17 years old I got surgery recently on my right knee and let me tell you… if your kid has this problem please go and get a MRI scan or go to the hospital because the pain after surgery and PT (physical therapy) is the worst. I’m a week in from surgery and the first few days was absolute hell. I move a bit and it was just stinging pain back and forth while now it is a bit better I haven’t gotten a good sleep in ages and it just hurts me mentally and physically. I wished and wished I could be knocked out to sleep multiple times and I would ask myself what did I deserve to get this on both knees… my daily activities was just walking and I don’t even engage in sports. Soon I’ll need another surgery on my left leg and I am not looking forward to it but I do hope things will get better in the future for me… THIS IS NOT A MINOR THING please get it checked as soon as possible and don’t end up like me…


My cat got diagnosed with this today so I did a research. This vid provides some clarity.


When i had my car crash in 2015, , both of my knees suffered a huge impact and caused total subluxation of the patella along with grade 2 horn tears … i had physical therapy for several years but the pain keeps coming back probably because of the nature of my job as a construction engineer and also going to the gym everyday..


My right knee occasionally does this and it’s one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced and I’ve had 2 kids and kidney stones!


Hi, I am 14 and play soccer competitively. I was at a practice when this first occurred (just by running and making a turn), on January 19, 2022. I had a game that weekend (a couple days after) and I played in it with a limp (didn’t notice any subluxing of the patellar), next day I had a 3 hour long practice, extremely painful. Then a game the next morning, i could not walk up nor down the stairs that morning. However I thought it might be better later on in the day (around noon when my game was). I played in the game, with a huge limp. My knee gave out multiple times in that game, only a couple for me to notice, however the video showed this happen an extreme amount of times. I went to the doctors the next day, and for weeks after that more appointments. Many said patellar subluxation. I started PT not long after this, around two weeks after the injury. I was told by an orthopedic that I need orthotics to correct my knees from going inward. I have been doing pt for a while now, and has shown no improvement besides i can straighten my knee (almost) all the way. As I couldn’t before hand. I’m still feeling pooping in the knee, and locking of the knee. The other day at PT I saw my patellar slip to the left (on my left knee), while at physical therapy. Is this normal to last this long with not much improvement?


i fell of my motorscooter and suffered a hematoma and subluxation of my left knee. the swell and brusing was horrible. the bruising is slowly going away but the swelling is still suffocating my knee from bending.


I’m a 15 year old kid who loves to play sports and this problem gets in my way of fully playing. I’ve found ways to run but they aren’t affective at all and I still have risk of hurting my knee. Ever since about 7 years old I’ve been having this problem. I’ve always loved to play football and basketball which require a lot of footwork and running. My problem is that my knee can go out at anytime, it’s happend while walking down the stairs, walking, swimming, running, jumping and even when doing squats. My left knee cap is very loose and it doesn’t look the same as my right knee. I can’t extend my leg fully either .I’ve been to doctors and the best answer I’ve gotten is a brace and them telling me that if I want to get surgery I have to wait till I’m done growing which would be around 18 years old, and I seriously can’t wait any longer. I’m just dying to be able to run normally again without any problems or being too worried about my knee giving out. My issue is it will just pop out and back in super fast and I can hear the pop and then it makes me collapse. I really just want to fix this. What do you think is the best option?


This a simple and perfect explanation of my injury, I get this at the most random times playing sports (usually once every 1-2 years). Usually after it happens, my knee swells up a lot and it takes about 4-5 weeks to heal on it's own until I can get back into activities. My question is after this injury happens and the knee swells up, is it better to keep the knee completely static and try not do bend it at all, or is it better to keep trying to move it to prevent it from getting stiff? Which will provide faster healing?


I was surprised at how abruptly it ended: "get an MRI." What are we looking for? What do we do then? Indeed, what do we do in the meantime -- RICE (rest, elevation of the joint, compression, icing)? Is compression safe when swelling is present?
I had patellar subluxation of the R knee, but it took nearly a month before I could see a specialist. By that time he said it was back in position so gentle exercise should be OK.
I appreciate this explanation very much but I really wanted some follow-up information also. I've suffered repeat patellar subluxations twice over the last month, and thanks to COVID, the local doctor only wants to see me online. That makes things tricky. Do I demand an MRI, and if so, on what basis? Would an X-ray suffice? Some doctors pat you on the head about these things, so if they don't suggest it from their own side, we patients need the ammo to make the case for ourselves!


I did the same thing stretched my knee and felt a pop and instant excruciating pain. This was two or three days ago


Can this cause continuous knee buckling? MRI is perfectly normal but her knee buckles with every step. It’s shows mild bone marrow edema and soft tissue contusions. Her local ortho Dr who did exploratory surgery found nothing and told her it’s mental and to see a counselor. Children’s hospital in St. Louis told her nothing is wrong and continue PT. Which she’s been going to since October. Her buckling has been since February. Neurology won’t see us. She’s 14 and an avid sports player and she’s mentally & physically tired of walking like this every second of every day 😢.


This happened to me when I was 18 I got in a fight and fell wrong on my leg and I went to the emergency room because I couldn’t walk and they just gave me crutches here it 7 years later and my knee is still shifting painfully even when I’m laying down. I need to go to a specialist i hope it’s not too late for me


Yeah, 5 days ago I slipped on an icy sidewalk - and the bottom half of my right leg twisted outwards, i slipped and fell, and the knee cap popped out tothe side. I literally thought i was done for, i straightened it out and and put my hands on my kneecap, it went in right away and i was able to put a bit of weight but it was weak, ive been resting and unfortunately my knee slipped off the recliner and it came out again and it is the most excruciating pain.


It started with poping, few days after there was crunching, first time doctors told me it was all good and i can continue training. 2 weeks after i went to a doctor again, they made xray scan, they said its some fluid issue, and i can continue training.
And then it started poping out and sliding back in place. I went to doctor again, they did MRI, and it showed, chondromalacia patella gr 2, and repeated patella luxation, they told me to do PT and i will be able to get beck to training in one month, its been 3 months no improvement, i also have patella alta, joint hyper mobility, flat feet..., I almost never got injured, i was really active, and suddenly injuryes started, first i broke my ankle, and i started getting injuryed more and more, i am 16 and I can't spend my life like this, my knee pops out every day, i have really bad pain and weaknes in my knee...


Hi, my daughter just did this last night in her college lacrosse game. This is what the trainer said. Now she is getting an X-ray. Trainer said her LCL felt loose? I’m guessing she will need an MRI as well??


This has happened to me all my life, it stared when I was 6-7 year old, now I’m 44 and no dr. Could ever tell my parents what was wrong with my knees. My childhood was very painful and restricted when it came to playtime or PE at school. The worst part is that 3out of my 4 kids have the same problem. And is until now that we know what this really is. They also are not able to run jump or exercise like a normal kid.😪


Is it possible for this to happen but get stuck and lock? Mine does this and i have to straighten my leg to pop it back in. Excruciating pain but pretty much instant relief after so not dislocated. Went to a&e the first time and they didn't believe anything was wrong until the nurse straightened my leg and saw my knee cap pop to the centre. But they just said they didn't know what it was but because no pain after just sent me home with some general exercises. Happened regularly after that though!
