How to Max your Runescape Account in 2024 [OSRS]

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In this video, we're going to show you how to max your Runescape account in 2024. This is a strategy guide that will teach you tips and tricks, along with the optimal skilling methods for not burning out, on your road to max in OSRS.

If you're looking to max your Runescape account as soon as possible, then this video is for you! We'll show you step-by-step how to max your account, and by the end of the video, you'll be playing like a pro! If you're new to the game or haven't played in a while, this is the video for you!

Obviously everything in this video is just my opinion on how you should go about maxing your OSRS account, so if you don't wanna do it... just don't and go do something that you actually enjoy.

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00:00 Intro
00:19 Advice - Tips - Goal Setting
01:12 Step 1
01:46 Step 2
02:23 Just get your infernal cape already
03:07 Soapbox Life Advice
03:45 Each and Every Skill
04:05 Mele
05:35 Magic
07:12 Ranged
07:50 Prayer
08:40 Runecrafting
09:40 Construction
11:08 Agility
12:53 Herblore
13:51 Thieving
14:58 Crafting
16:14 Fletching
17:33 Slayer
18:10 Hunting
19:27 Mining
20:48 Smithing
21:14 Fishing
21:59 Cooking
22:19 Firemaking
22:30 Woodcutting
23:14 Farming
23:35 Final words of advice
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I got some tips that might not be so obvious, specially the last one:

1- Start with slayer and quests. It will train your combat skills, and get you money, while also taking you around the map and getting you used to mechanics

2-After that start with the skills you like the least. I did thieving, rc and agility first. Everytime i am bored i check out my skills and see these are already maxed, and that motivated me for the next one

3- RC: do zmi with daeyalts. I got to 99 with over 90k xp/h. 30k xp/h vs 90k xp/h means months less in your grind, if you are like me and don't have hours and hours to play a day

4- Have weekly goals. Some days we can't play, but in others we can play more. Calculate your free time and xp/h. That way you can have an estimate of how long your grind will take

This is the most important imo. And i started late.
Most skills are either afk or expensive. Which means you will need cash, while wasting time at the same time.
If you make a garg alt and get 300k gp/h you will be able to get over 30M while training a stupid skill like agility.
My advice is rune dragons alt. You will make over 100M doing agility alone.
Agility will pay for prayer with a rd alt
Mining and fishing will pay for construction
wc will pay your herblore
And you will have a lot more money from the other skills if you use an alt like rd or brutal black dragons.


my aproach was, do every skill half afk til 99 while watching comprehensive language input videos. after 2000 hours playing, you can learn 2 languages. thats why I personaly love osrs. there is so many ways to go about it in this game:)


Some notes/tips, particularly if you're lazy like me:

Combats - nmz to the 90s if you want but don't make my mistake of slacking on slayer, makes for a really long grind later.

Magic - if you really care about efficiency bring alchs everywhere you go so you're always gaining xp. I cbf to try to keep up with this, but something I did instead is magic imbue - lunar spellbook 82 mage, 12 second cd. If you do it somewhat close to when it comes off cd every time it's like 20k xp/hr that's very easy to maintain and fall into the habit of using while doing literally anything else.

RC - like Paty said if you wanna do bloods do it before maxing crafting or mining. 1.2m xp in both for free is pretty huge.

Construction - oak dungeon doors (74 con) are way cheaper than mahog and are still 400k xp/hr. You can angle your camera so you don't need to move your mouse, put a weight on the "1" key, and just right click->left click x2 -> left click -> repeat. 77 (mahog bench) to 99 with mahogs costs almost 200m, and 77-99 with oaks costs 70-80m. Slower sure but unless you're rich why waste that much gp to make a very fast skill very faster.

Thieving - you can still fully spam click, it just takes a bit more setup. There are guides on this but basically set your layout to "resizable - modern" so your inventory is collapsible, bind escape to inventory and check "esc closes interface". Now line up the knight with the top slot of your inventory, put a weight on your esc key - this flickers your inventory open and closed so some of your clicks will be opening coin pouches as you get them - and click away. Oh and definitely do kingdom divided first to have access to the "shadow veil" spell if you want to use good money making methods in the 90s or if you're lower level at knights and have to stop and click to eat anyways.

Slayer - venator bow is insane for afk slayer. Like actually afk not is like some nerds claim (it's not. at all.). Not good dps, not high xp/hr, but you can attack one abyssal anything in catacombs and check back every 3 minutes to sip prayer and before you know it your task is done.

Hunting - don't slack on birbhouses. Don't go nuts on them but do like 2 runs per day and you'll get hunter up really fast passively.

Fishing - 100% do barb fishing unless you're an iron. 1m agi xp that's literally free is so nice to have.

Farming - I did papayas+calquats+mahogs to 99. Very cheap/easy/quick runs you don't have to think about. You're going to finish farming quickly relative to the rest of your skills so there's 0 reason to blow 10s of mills planting magic and dragonfruit trees.

Edit: formatting and bit more info in thieving


My first 99 was fletching doing unstrung bows. I had a guy i met off zybez who wanted a constant supply of unstrung bows so he could alch so hed let me know what kind of bows he needed and thise would be the ones i made. Lol. The good ol pre ge days when you had to communicate with people to trade anything


i just found runescape im at 1200 total and its been amazing thanks for the ideas of a rout to go while playing and some things to go for i dident even know some of this stuff existed


I recently got injured just waiting for Surgery, this is perfect for me. Thanks


My goal is to max but I frame it as "I will eventually max" and play the game how I want

I farmed bosses (DT2 Kicked me off) - training my combats (almost 126 cb)
I learned HS - and now enjoy training agility
Now I'm enjoying Shooting stars, never though I'd enjoy mining but this is nice

I will max, but I will have fun doing it


Optimal Quest order is OP btw. Tells you best order to do quest that lines up Xp rewards with what you are doing next, even tells you what to put lamps on and when to do diaries too.


Just got back into OSRS yesterday. I remember sitting in the back of class in college a couple years ago just fishing sharks in the fishing guild while taking notes lmao. Pretty good money and cooking xp for going to class.


That taking a break tip is very helpful. I havent played OSRS in 4 years and I just started playing again a week ago


As a maxcaper, that intro related to me so much. Just for that you gained a like&sub


The happiness you feel coming back to the game is un-matched. When you get burned out, you feel depleted but when you come back, there’s a new spark that is just the best feeling


I also maxed recently as well (returned to the game and maxed in about 1.5yrs) ..but I was someone who likes straight shotting 99s. However, I missed out on a lot of the game (GWD, most slayer bosses, etc.) and dont really have the motivation to do them now. Take your time, enjoy the game!

I started an ironman to dive into the PvM I skipped over on my main (smh, right)

Happy maxing


exactly the video I was looking for. I first played OSRS 2 years ago and am picking it up again and just felt so lost.


Im maxed but still enjoy this kind of videos. I think your take on it is amazing. Solid foundations and spreading the grinds. 👍


You have me dying putting SMART goals in here lmaooo. It’s worth mentioning though


Thanks for this video i am a veteran myself but i still yet to hit a 99 stat with all the years and time that i have played. But i love the pking scene and it feels great to know that i can get the quest skill cape and still have a barrows/dragonfire shield pure at the same time. Ive still yet to finish my berserker pure. But my barrows pure would be sorta like my main where i can do whatever and still pk. Thanks man, quest skillcape here we come. I have not played osrs in 5 years!


Drift net fishing is a good way to level up hunter and fishing at the same time, although it is quite click intensive.


My main I had for around 15 years wasn’t maxed but I had a lot done. Got my first 99 on it, did all the big quests and got hacked.

Re started with a new account and my focus is all easy diaries and RFD. Once diaries are done I move to the mediums, it just keeps you constantly having to work towards something. I set up skill goals, quests to be done and other things that need to be done before I can grind all diaries in a day. I’m constantly working towards it and skilling throughout the game and it’s keeping it fun as I start to unlock more and more as i go.


For fishing i highly reccomend fully afk barb fishing outside of CoX, bank the fish so you don't have to click to drop your inventory. You can one click the bank and the xp rates are pretty good, you also get around 1m agi and strength xp doing this method. I did this from like 80-99 and i did it all while playing other games or doing school stuff
