HOW Does Duoing Affect MATCHMAKING? (How to CLIMB using DUO-QUEUE) - Play Like A Pro

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0:00 How does DUO queue effect matchmaking / MMR
3:01 Draft and champion combos
6:01 Strategies you can use during duo Q
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small addition to the matchmaking: even if both teams have duo's the mmr RANGE that is considered ok for a match is widened, meaning your games become more of a coinflip, hence even more of a need to have a strat the actually gives an advantage as opposed to just queue up together. According to some riot blog some time ago the prediction quality in duo matchmaking is off by as much as 10% eg, which is huge considering a gold player in silver only has 66% winrate, approximately.


I've seen some weird duo strategies. Yesterday I saw a Caitlyn duoed with a support Jinx with double TP. Their strategy was to use their range poke and double traps to make it really hard for the enemy bot lane to approach them and with the permanent push, they'd double TP to other lanes to surprise gank. Definitely an interesting strategy, but they weren't particularly good at their champs so it kind of fell apart in the game I played against it.


a strategy i like to do with a top friend is that i play akali mid he plays yorick top, we dont have good pressure for TF but our splitpush is INSANE, if he is spam colapsed i can shadow him and fight 2v3 or 2v2 on side with him, or if we are both being colapsed by the team then the one who is not getting colapsed can just get all of the towers in the lane they abandoned, it depends on actually winning lane and being really good at 1v1 and 1vX odds wich is exactly what we are good at so it plays really well on our hand, got constantly to masters with him every season doing this.


Bro that was so helpful you wouldn’t believe it. Thank you so much man


So simple, yet so effective. This is why I subbed to your channel. You break down concepts extremely well. I always learn something every vid. Thanks, Coach! ❤


another good strategy to consider, is that you dont play duo bot to increase the overall impact on the whole map, e.g. my duo mate plays mid and I play sup, that way we have a 66% impact on the lanes, it worked magically and we climbed to dia so fast


Damn, always awesome to stumble upon being included in Rogue's videos xD (I was the terrible Pyke player :D)


My friend and I like to play AP Twitch with Ashe support. Normally Twitch struggles early game to be a threat, but Ashe has enough damage and CC with her slows to bully the enemy ADC and make sure they are always in danger of a Twitch all in. Plus in most ELOs below Diamond, ADCs seem to have a lack of object permanence and will just stay in lane at half HP with no vision and get burst down by the Twitch over and over again. The strategy only works though if the Ashe player is actually good at the champion and cannot get engaged on by the enemy support every 2 seconds.


lately me and my duo have been trying top + adc combo. I play a carry top and usually get ahead in lane, he focuses on not dying on bot side. We win almost every game where I get ahead, and if I get camped we usually have soul drag spawning at 23 mins ish. It eliminates those games where you get fed top and your bot lane is 0-12. Seems pretty op so far


Sending this to the guys I coach since I always forget to create videos and leave them up for them to re visit. Great video as usual Rogue.


I think I see the problem for me know, our syngergies are lacking cc. I am playing jg, viego, kayn, morde, can also play other champs like heca noc fiddle zac etc. And my duo plays kata zed kassadin panth so we have like 2 ccs between those haha


WOW i never knew about this but i wonder if you duo something like bot with jgl does the game try to find any duo on the enemy team or do they specifically try to find a bot / jgl ?
and also my friend mains jngl mostly playing karthus . i two trick gragas mid and jhin bot do you think we have a good synergy ?


I've been wondering why every time I try to duo queue with friends we end up losing way more. I get why it's like this but it's kind of disappointing.


I play duo with my friend purely because playing solo is boring. We are one division apart (currently he's d2 and I'm d3) He's mid and I'm top and we both play ad champs. So no synergies but we are making it work somehow


Your description of why you end up with less LP when in a large-skill-disparity duo queue is very counterintuitive for me.

The game has a guess as to how good you are. It uses that guess to put you in games where it thinks you're just as likely to win as you are to lose (typically). I'd imagine that being in a wide skill disparity duo queue doesn't change that part, except of course the fact that it'll adjust your expected win chances if you're a duo against all solos. I think the phenomenon you're seeing is actually due to these factors:

Because you're duo, and there's such a large skill disparity, that puts a lower bound on how certain the game can be as to what your rank is. If a master+ player and a silver player queue together for every single match on both of their accounts, I'd imagine that their LPs and MMRs will take a very very long time to diverge. The game is unable to accurately assess which person contributes more to wins because one person's contributions are averaged out with the other's.

The reason that this slows down your LP gains is because the system is stalling for time to get enough data to ascertain whether you're two players that both deserve platinum or whether someone is carrying the other, and which one is which.


The fun part for me is that all my team m8s are sub level 60 poorly performing accounts.
Im at a 40% win rate atm....
And it should be Solo Q not solo/duo, duo+ should stay in flex


In the varus video, how can varus get first blood, on his SECOND KILL? Never seen that in a game, and i play a ton


You coach pyke on a spike? Thats crazy


Wait. . . So it could ACTUALLY be my duo's fault we're losing, even when we're doing well/winning lane? Because we're duo'd, we could be screwing our teammates?

Did I hear that wrong?


My duo undersells malz all the time, I thinks malz garen is a nasty combo
