πιο ασυνήθιστα, όμορφα και αστεία χτενίσματα 4

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FUNNY TV presents
Αστεία βίντεο. Οι πιο ασυνήθιστο, ενδιαφέρουσα, αστεία και ενδιαφέροντα χτενίσματα στον κόσμο. , funny, cool, amazing, unusual, video, Super Steep Funny Amazing Unusual Video Compilation Winners 2017 Watch the video and listen to good and quality music. Enjoy life, take care of your health, help others and animals and all the surrounding nature.
Go to the cinema, go to concerts, play games, play with children, take money on credit at a bank and travel around the world, fly by airplane, swim by boat, ride a car or motorcycle.
Buy an apartment or own house, insure your property, learn or take courses and get a profession or profession, cure your teeth, win a lottery, get an inheritance, practice your favorite hobby or start your own business.
Enjoy life. Thank you all and Good luck. A good mood is a value that can not be determined by material equivalents. The level of our happiness is commensurate with how often we are accompanied by a cheerful disposition of the spirit. Therefore, everyone wants to find a way to improve their mood.
A good mood can not be bought for money, but everyone can make it everyday and affordable. First of all, two important points should be clarified:
1) We, for ourselves, are the source of the sorrows and joys of life.
No excess weight, disagreements with health, failures, resentment, fear, melancholy, boredom and despondency are not decisive for our worldview. We, as it were, miss all the events through ourselves and give our assessment: this is good, and this is bad. From how we evaluate each event, our life spirit depends.
2) Any thing or event that gave us moments of pleasure, after a while will cease to evoke in us an inspiration.
From this it follows that we should not limit ourselves to one sphere of activity and one pleasure. Otherwise, we will arrange something like "torture oranges." A good mood is a value that can not be determined by material equivalents. The level of our happiness is commensurate with how often we are accompanied by a cheerful disposition of the spirit. Therefore, everyone wants to find a way to improve their mood.
A good mood can not be bought for money, but everyone can make it everyday and affordable. First of all, two important points should be clarified:
1) We, for ourselves, are the source of the sorrows and joys of life.
No excess weight, disagreements with health, failures, resentment, fear, melancholy, boredom and despondency are not decisive for our worldview. We, as it were, miss all the events through ourselves and give our assessment: this is good, and this is bad. From how we evaluate each event, our life spirit depends.
2) Any thing or event that gave us moments of pleasure, after a while will cease to evoke in us an inspiration.
From this it follows that we should not limit ourselves to one sphere of activity and one pleasure. Otherwise, we will arrange something like "torture oranges."

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#юмор #приколы #прикольноевидео #смешныеживотные #funnyanimals Vizionați videoclipul și ascultați muzică bună și de calitate. Bucurați-vă de viață, îngrijiți-vă de sănătate, ajutați-i pe alții, pe animale și pe toată natura înconjurătoare.
Du-te la cinema, du-te la concerte, juca jocuri, joaca cu copiii, să ia banii într-un împrumut bancar, și de călătorie în jurul lumii, care zboară într-un avion, plimbare cu barca, care călătoresc cu mașina sau motocicleta.
Cumpara un apartament sau propria casă, pentru a asigura proprietatea, studiul sau de a lua cursuri, pentru a primi un loc de muncă sau profesie, vindeca dintii lor, castiga la loterie, a primit o moștenire, să învețe hobby-ul preferat sau de a începe propria afacere.
Bucură-te de viața ta. Mulțumesc tuturor și mult noroc.
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