Cloud-based ERP vs On-Premise ERP for Small Manufacturing Business

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When a small manufacturer faces the decision to purchase an ERP, the decision inevitably comes down to one of two options: on-premise vs cloud-based ERP.

While the type of production undertaken by a manufacturing company is important in deciding the kind of software needed, the size and scale of the operation is also a major factor as well. While larger manufacturers often have the benefits of scale including a stable cash-flow and access to short-term and long-term capital, small manufacturing are often bootstrapped, funded by VC seed funding or at best limited in terms of access to traditional streams of capital for investment and expansion.

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0:00 Introduction
1:51 Advantages and Disadvantages of On-Premise ERP
5:08 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud-Based ERP
8:29 Making the Right Choice

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