The Dancing Pig (1907) - FULL UNCUT [HD]

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Silent films owe a great deal to the vaudeville tradition; its short, unrelated stage acts were not only a nearly inexhaustible source for early film content, but also a programming model for nickelodeon theaters. The Dancing Pig was a mind-boggling music hall routine filmed several times for different companies – here, for Pathé Frères in 1907.
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The detail on the costume is damn good. Even by modern standards.


If I had to guess, the eyes are controlled by the performers own face inside the costume...move your head right or left or in a circle and the eyes do the same through some sort of contraption. When the rest of the face is articulated, such as when the tongue hangs out or the pig smiles, the right hand goes limp. I'm thinking the performer has removed his hand from within the arm and is now controlling various mechanisms for the articulation. I do think the performer's hand is inside the tongue to articulate it. I'm particularly impressed by the smiling mechanism that not only pulls up the sides of the mouth but makes the eyes squint. It's all incredibly clever and remarkably done. It's a pity we don't have more information about the performer or designer.


It really is amazing to think that this little weird film sat in some storage unit in France for over 100 years until it was discovered. This thing could've been easily destroyed in that time but nope it survived everything the 20th century had to throw at it while everyone probably forgot about it months after it initially came out.


This is so funny, the most amazing feature of the costume for me is when the pig kinds "smiles" or "laughs". That was so awesome!


This movie is simply impressive, the pig costume, although it looks a little strange, is very well done and the features of his face, although if they are a little creepy, were ahead of the time of the old and distant 1907. the movie has a very strange vibe but at the same time pretty and comical. weird, very surreal, very abstract but it is art ... it hurts that in the current generation people see this film as something disturbing or cloudy and eerie for the simple fact that the pig costume looks weird and for the strange grimaces that does and do not pay attention to how early this film was at the time and how artistic it is. Postscript: I obviously do not belong to that date the tape was released, in fact I am almost of the current generation but that is my point of view of this work.


This is amazing. I can't find anything about the pig's construction, but I can say with fair certainty this was not constructed with plastic or polyfoam. I also feel certain there are no electrical elements, the facial gimmicks are strictly mechanical. This is fabricated from cloth, metal, wood and glass. What was its weight? Each gimmick is operated by the performer with levers inside the costume. Visibility must have been near zero. Those are the merely technical qualities which make it amazing. The artistic quality is even more amazing. It blows me away in 2022, it must have freaked people the F out in 1907. Thanks for sharing.


why are people saying this is scary. it's cute and impressively well made.

edit: ok the last scene was kinda creepe lol. but they were just showing how good was the costume.


Loads of comments here saying the costume is good “for the time” or “even by modern standards”. This kind of sophisticated costuming and puppetry was around in theater for a long long long time before this film came out ...


Miss Piggy's family has always been in show business I see...


The actor uses his left arm to move the costume's nose, eyes and tongue. Notice that when he moves them, his arm is motionless. Very good costume.


That is so funny! Great dancing and acting. I am amazed by the pig costume as it is so expressive.


When i was a kid my big brother told me this is a video from dark web and the pig was a real man turned into a pig because he went to illegal sites to, keep me away from corn websites 😂


ngl the girl was lowkey hitting it at the dance part lol 😂


Honestly the costume is amazing for a movie over 110 years old, 4:17 is scary asl tho


That is a very impressive costume for 1907, particularly the articulated head.


so what is the message of the movie? I would guess that they fell in love with each other but given his true nature - that of being a "filthy pig" he devours and kills his love in the end - remembering all the humiliating things he did for her in order to get her attention. He made a pig out of himself and threw away his humanity


Did you guys know that the pig ate her and I kind of feel bad for the girls that the pig ate


This is either just part of a full film or another separate film with the same pig and girl.

There was another one where the girl went behind the curtain after removing the pig's coat and came back with a shorter dress or perhaps underwear. I remember she was barefoot and missing her hat. It still has to be on YouTube somewhere but it looks like it's been removed.


Why did they give the pig a FUNCTIONING TONGUE?!? ✨👁👁


I love the detail of his hat doing a flip when he enters the Scene. I bet there was someone that did it manually behind him. Clever. Well done.
