Understanding LIBRA Woman || Personality Traits, Love, Career, Fashion and more!

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Libra women are known for their just and fair approach to life. She will weigh all things pertaining to a given situation without bias and give the most balanced and fair judgement there is to offer. Her charm and charisma draw people towards her making socializing with others an effortless affair. Communication is important to this just woman. She will get her point across in the most logical and kind hearted way possible. If you want to win an argument with her, present her with the facts. She has many layers to her and you are likely to find a calm and logical individual one minute and an overly emotional individual the next.

In this video, we will talk about personality traits, likes/dislikes, love, relationships, career, money, friendships, fashion, style and a lot more of Libra Woman.

Based on Libra Sun Sign

0:00 - Introduction
1:00 - Personality Traits
3:02 - Likes/Dislikes
4:01 - Love/Relationships
4:49 - Career/Money
5:48 - Friendships
6:39 - Fashion/Style

Created By:
Zodiac Talks
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I am a libra girl and what I concluded is that Libra woman will often give and give their best selves in the team (whether friendship, partnership, job etc.) but rarely recieve the equal amount of kindness and that is what makes us disatisfated and sad so we seek new people and strive to recieve back what we have to offer.


I think Libra women are the best partners for every other zodiac signs


Libras would actually would be great leaders even if they can’t make desicions quick because they look over everything,


I'm a gemini that has just recently started dating a Libra, so far so good, she is super sweet, caring, and flirtatious. We found each other on tinder, but because we are going to separate colleges we are at a distance at the moment, but we are from the same hometown and I'll be seeing her face to face this Christmas break instead of facetime and text so a little nervous, but excited, wish me luck.


The libra woman is very sweet and has a good heart.


I personally believe that Libra women are Angels they make the BEST friends, mothers, wives, Leaders, and damn near anything in anyones life. We love beauty, peace, and we love to see ppl smile. We are handsdown the best dressed in any room. Its a no brainer for me. I love being a Libra THANK GOD I was born October 5th. 😍😍😍♎️♎️♎️⚖️⚖️⚖️




Understanding Libra ♎ women ✌ ☮ peace loving but indecisive Leo ♌ men are attracted to smart and witty Libra ♎ women


If I have to choose between a Libra lady and an Aquarius babe, then I would choose Libra. Because Libras always appear first or are easier to come by.


Libra women are sweet, kind-hearted, and a little naive around people since they tend to see the good in everyone. However, if you overstep their boundaries and try to take advantage of their kindness: beware. The beast will come out and strike. Remember, Libra is few degrees away from SCORPIO.


Im a Libra man with a Libra woman she gets competetive with who loves eachother more, i tell her i love you then she says i love you more then i say i love you more then more then we both say awwww.


This is my child hood I'm literally so heart broken when I see some getting bullied me a libra


I've been trying to learn how to save money for years now 😳


I'm a Libra woman.
I'm always the leader! So the fact that they said that we are not super great in a leadership roll is very odd. I find that I'm always taking the wheel when others can't.
And I'm able to make a logical and practical decision on the spot most of the time. My brain is lighning fast... so I don't need much time to come to a decision (ofcorse there is exceptions for some life choices).
So... I guess that i found this somewhat accurate, but also very incorrect for who I am being a Libra woman. But then again this is on the whole. Not based off an individual. So over all I found this information to be true.


I am a Libra Woman, and I totally agree with everything they said.


Shes a sweet woman, im a libra man and love my libra woman very much. We rarely ague and agree alot and get along alot.


My ex libra was a good girl, cute and lovely. she was too indecisive at times which I could deal with but she lacked communication skills I mean she never wanned to communicate with me in order to find solutions for our problems, instead she holds everything in heart untill she blows up out of anger!
I suggest all lovely Libra girls not to be a very introverted, speak out your mind and communicate well.


I'm a libra man and all this fit I need a libra woman....logical, and cool. Nah, on second thought, forget we'll probably starve to death deciding what's for dinner.


I'm a Virgo-Libra (Sept 28)woman myself, and I'm impressed how accurate this is. True enough we may are the hopeless romantic out of the zodiac signs.But then it comes with a price, as much as we love anything that comes with romance such as all the chase, the challenges and the flirtations, only few will grab our attention in and for the long run.We may have fun with you today, but tomorrow would be another day, we may shut you if we find you boring and not fun enough.One more thing, we also have this third sense when a man is serious with us or just fooling around (we just go with the flow).Truth be told though, as we Libra admit it or not, we have this unexplainable "color me impressed, then I am all yours" motto when it comes to romance and long time partner.This is one of the dark side of a Libra women when it come to romance.It's not about being picky, it's about feelng good about our self, while doing the collecting, ilemenating and choosing the best...call us selfish and superficial but we regard self worth the most.We love romance not because it's fun, we love it because we love the feeling of being cherished, of being an important person to another's life (in a romantic way), I mean who woud'nt.So if there is a man reading and seriously pursuing a Libra woman, I advice you to stand out among the rest.


Im a Leo Sun( Aug 4) with Libra Rising placement. I resonate with Libra 100%. I NEVER match up to the Leo traits ever!!
