God's End-Time Seal on the Forehead Explained

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Revelation 7:3 says the 144,000 will receive the seal of God on their forehead. What does this mean? Watch this video to find out!

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If you realize something :
You CAN'T have the Mark of the Beast on your right hand IF you have the Seal of God on your FOREHEAD!
And why we can't have the Seal of God on our right hand? Because we can't earn salvation by works!🙏🙏🙏
God is so wonderful!


I choose to keep and obey ALL GOD'S 10 COMMANDMENTS because I LOVE THEM!! The Father, My blesser, The Holy Spirit, My guidance, and Jesus Christ My Lord and Savior!!


It’s an actual mark it’s not just something that is symbolic.


The Bible is always right. The Seal of God is those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior after repentance and baptism.


It pinned me down and heckled me as I battled it in the darkness of my mind ..it was powerful taking away my sight and movement... I battled on causing the hoard to taught and ridicule me as being "strong"... then in the last moments when the fight was being lost his voice interjected booming with power " Stop he is not for you " and light flooded into the darkness and the demons fled ... this is when I received my mark ...


This year my forehead has started tingling I feel something there on my skin but I can’t see it.


Gratitude for your hard work and dedication to the ministry of Jesus Christ 🙏, I personally suffered tragic brain trauma, with a mild stroke it make life tough but thank God for Jesus Christ without Jesus I would be brain dead, thank you prayers 🙏 ❤


I did. My entire life has changed. I am NOT the same...


Jesus is our traditionless savior that died on the cross for our sins so that we could freely obtain salvation


I had my spiritual awakening in March of 2019. There were a few moments I’d look in the mirror and at my forehead between my eyebrows I’d see a symbol, only it wasn’t vivid enough to make out what it was. I’d try to focus on it and it would be gone 🤷🏻🤷🏻


Ex muslim thanks jesus halleluja yeshua


Our true eye, pineal gland, god consciousness ...balance, open, live consciously intentionally connected with Self, Source, the Field- true Trinity 💗 ☯️ All life is created magnificent powerful divine beings... Remember Infinite Divine Love and Truth Is Our Core 🥰 Nurture Grow Embrace Transform Radiate 💗


Can everybody get it as long as they believe


As long as you think it's man who "creates" it, you've shown a good deal of way - to understand what the Bible is really about and that doesn't make it any easier to proclaim himself smarter than creation.


So there won't be a physical mark to represent and distinguish who is chosen?


The seal: “Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.”

The seal is the name of God, because only by His grace and our faith in Him are we saved. To say otherwise is a false doctrine


The seal of God is the opposite of the mark of the beast




A week ago, I awoke from a vision/dream where I saw the Hebrew words “Tav Av” written in black ink on a white paper.

Over the course of a week or so, I was led to look up the meaning of the words, their Hebrew numeric values (Gematria and Strong’s concordance) and also to look at the original/authentic Hebrew pictorial symbol associated with the word “Tav”.

..."No man knows the hour or the day, but we can know the season and I believe the year."

I agree with the scriptures and do not add or take away from God's Word.

I offer this as my own interpretation and do not claim to have perfect understanding, only knowledge and insight through what the LORD has given me.

Here is what I found…

“Tav Av” - Firstly, this should be read from right to left. So, in simple/western terms we would read “Av Tav”
“Av” is the name of a month but also means “Father”
“Tav” means “Sign/Mark or Seal”

The words written have a meaning of “Father’s Mark” and are referred to in the book of Revelation.

The word “Tav” is also the 22nd letter (last letter) of the Hebrew alphabet. Jesus said I am the aleph and the tav (the beginning and the end)… indicating His presence as the Living Word of God.

“Tav” has the original Hebrew pictorial symbol of a + (cross) - later changed to a X (interesting how Twitter have adopted this as its’ new “sign”).

So, we can see that the “Father’s Sign” (Av Tav/Tav Av) is in fact the Cross +, and this was revealed to the world 2, 000 years ago as the place where the Lord Jesus would give His life as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. The 144, 000 will have the Father's Mark (seal of the cross) in their foreheads.

Continuing with the study of “Tav Av”…
I looked up the two numeric values of each word in Hebrew Gematria.
“Tav” = 2296
“Av” = 1495
When the two numbers are added together it comes to 3791.

In Strong’s concordance, 3791 has the word “Kethab” as its’ root meaning. The word “kethab” means a divine writing (a word from God) and was used in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) to reference the writing given to Moses and also the prophet Daniel.

When you look up the number 3791 as a year on the Hebrew calendar it comes to 31AD.

My understanding of what the LORD has shown through HIS divine word in the phrase “Tav Av” is that Christ was crucified in 31AD exactly 4, 000 years after the fall of Adam and Christ will return exactly 2, 000 years later to establish HIS kingdom upon the earth for 1, 000 years.

The year 2028 (80 years from the date some have as the "birth" of the nation Israel) will see the beginning of the second half of Jacob's Trouble (Daniel's 70th week) and the rapture of faithful believers will happen in 2028 (this won't be popular with those looking to this year for the catching away, I realise, but this is what I see from my own studies and what the LORD has revealed to me through dreams and visions). 2028 is the Day of the LORD.

Scripture tells us the Day of the LORD will begin with great judgment.

Zephaniah 1:14 - “The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.” -

Isaiah 13:9-11 - "Behold, the day of the Lord is coming,
Cruel, with fury and burning anger,
To make the land a desolation;
And He will exterminate its sinners from it.
For the stars of heaven and their constellations
Will not flash forth their light;
The sun will be dark when it rises
And the moon will not shed its light.
Thus I will punish the world for its evil
And the wicked for their iniquity;
I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud
And abase the haughtiness of the ruthless."

Amos 5:18-20 -"Alas, you who are longing for the day of the Lord,
For what purpose will the day of the Lord be to you?
It will be darkness and not light;
As when a man flees from a lion
And a bear meets him,
Or goes home, leans his hand against the wall
And a snake bites him.
Will not the day of the Lord be darkness instead of light,
Even gloom with no brightness in it?"

The Day of the LORD is the seventh day, and cannot begin before the 7th thousand year time period. This means that knowledge of the crucifixion (the exact year) is needed to understand the timing of the events on God's calendar.

I believe He could be showing the crucifixion as the year 31AD. This was exactly 4, 000 years from the Fall of Adam.

2, 000 years following on from that date (2031) is the end of the 6th day and start of the 7th day (the Day of the LORD).

Jesus said "I will raise them up in the last day" (the last day is the Day of the LORD) that begins in 2028AD. He will raise up believers in the last day, as He said He would.

42 months later (when God's wrath has been poured out during the Day of the LORD as the prophets foretold) we will witness (and be a part of) the establishment of the kingdom of God upon the earth.

2031 .. perhaps we will see the start of the millennium reign of Christ.


The bible says 144 thousand but its in the millions who follow God so only the 144000 going to heaven what about everyone else
