Beyond REST - Contract Testing in the Age of gRPC, Kafka & GraphQL • Matt Fellows • YOW! 2022

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This presentation was recorded at YOW! 2022. #GOTOcon #YOW

Matt Fellows - Principal Product Manager (Pactflow) at SmartBear

Modern distributed architectures are more complex than ever before, with a majority of companies operating multiple languages, protocols and architectural styles. This poses significant challenges for engineering teams increasingly asked to deliver more at speed. Whilst the practice of contract testing rose to prominence during the RESTful microservices boom to address similar challenges, the problem statement has evolved.

In this talk, we'll discuss these new challenges and demonstrate how contract testing is still as relevant as it has ever been in helping to solve them. [...]


#ContractTest #ContractTesting #REST #RESTful #gRPC #Kafka #ApacheKafka #GraphQL #Microservices #DistributedArchitectures #SoftwareArchitecture #Programming #MattFellows #YOWcon

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Рекомендации по теме

thanks Matt for shedding some lights, thanks GOTO
