Discussion | TAVR Session V – Dealing with a “gray area”. Crucial questions and answers

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TAVR Session V – Dealing with a “gray area”. Crucial questions and answers
Moderators: S. Konstantinidis, F. Mitropoulos, C. Olympios, K. Triantafillou
1. How far should we push the borderline transfemoral access for TAVR? Techniques, equipment, and likelihood of glory versus gory K. Spargias
2. To split or not to split? The role of BASILICA and LAMPOON as adjuvant procedures during TAVR and TMVR J. Velianou
3. The rapid emergence of transcaval TAVR. Techniques and clinical outcomes M. Kasel
4. TAVR in the decompensated patient with AS. How to evaluate and treat P. Dardas
5. Live-in-a-box TAVR
6. Discussion
Commentators: P. Kalyvas, D. Ketikoglou, K. Papadopoulos
The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network (CTSNet) connects the global cardiothoracic community through communication, collaboration, education, and interaction amongst cardiothoracic surgeons and their teams across the globe. CTSNet provides a broad range of video and text-based educational content, the premier job board across all of cardiothoracic surgery, profile pages for cardiothoracic surgeons and individuals associated with the specialty, and a calendar of events related to the specialty.
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Moderators: S. Konstantinidis, F. Mitropoulos, C. Olympios, K. Triantafillou
1. How far should we push the borderline transfemoral access for TAVR? Techniques, equipment, and likelihood of glory versus gory K. Spargias
2. To split or not to split? The role of BASILICA and LAMPOON as adjuvant procedures during TAVR and TMVR J. Velianou
3. The rapid emergence of transcaval TAVR. Techniques and clinical outcomes M. Kasel
4. TAVR in the decompensated patient with AS. How to evaluate and treat P. Dardas
5. Live-in-a-box TAVR
6. Discussion
Commentators: P. Kalyvas, D. Ketikoglou, K. Papadopoulos
The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network (CTSNet) connects the global cardiothoracic community through communication, collaboration, education, and interaction amongst cardiothoracic surgeons and their teams across the globe. CTSNet provides a broad range of video and text-based educational content, the premier job board across all of cardiothoracic surgery, profile pages for cardiothoracic surgeons and individuals associated with the specialty, and a calendar of events related to the specialty.
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