Getting from the Unsustainable Here to the Sustainable There

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Unsustainable economic growth has put the planet at peril. Unlimited extraction of resources and consumption of goods, disproportionately by the Global North, has led to global warming, widespread pollution, and the accelerated extinction of species. A reduction of carbon emissions is necessary but not sufficient to address this peril. A much more serious rethink of the global economic and energy systems is necessary.

Four distinguished panelists provide a snapshot of this ongoing rethinking of the way humanity organizes its economic activities to move in the direction of greater sustainability and equity:

Vedran Horvat is the head of the Institute for Political Ecology in Zagreb, Croatia,
Susan Krumdieck is professor and chair in Energy Transition at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland,
Simon Michaux is an associate professor of geo-metallurgy at the Geological Survey of Finland,
Renata Nitta is a campaign strategist for Greenpeace International based in Brazil.
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