Whom Did SAURON Fear The Most?? | Gandalf or Aragorn? | Middle-Earth Lore

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Who does Sauron fear the most??
One of the Istari like Gandalf?
A mere ranger like Aragorn?
One of the Elves?
Or something else entirely??

I hope you enjoy the video!

0:00 - Intro
1:17 – Sauron’s War Mentality
3:00 – Sponsored Segment (NordVPN)
4:23 – Sauron’s Biggest Threats - Elrond
5:22 – Sauron’s Biggest Threats - Galadriel
5:50 – Sauron’s Biggest Threats – Others
8:22 – Sauron’s thoughts on Aragorn
13:22 – Sauron vs Gandalf
17:55 – Sauron’s Fear of Aragorn
19:55 – Round-up Conclusion
21:47 – QotD & Thank you’s!
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"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings" - New Line Cinema
"Gandalf & Aragorn" - The Broken Sword

Art in order of first appearance:
Lord of the Rings - Yanmo Zhang
Sauron - Commander of Angband – toherrys
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring – New Line Cinema
Sauron War of the Last Alliance – MattDeMino
One ring to rule them all (lotr) – AnatoFinnstark
Elfs of the last alliance – tiamatnightmare
Sauron - SpartanK42
The One Ring - LOTR - Jimmy-Appelt
The Music of the Gods – KipRasmussen
Lord of the Rings - Elrond – Hokunin
Sauron – Insant
Elrond - Concept-Art-House
Elrond – alystraea
Galadriel – Incantanta
Two Trees of Valinor - Nia hti
Sauron The Lord of the Rings - William Faucher
Tom Bombadil - Cynthia Blair
Gandalf - Guardians of Middle-earth
Sauron and his Army – The Broken Sword
Gandalf – The Broken Sword
Sauron – The Broken Sword
Gandalf – The Broken Sword (2)
Tulkas - Antonio Vinci
Lord of the Eagles – tuuliky
Aragorn – The Broken Sword
The One Ring - rastko96
Saruman – jontorresart
The Palantir – reynagroff
Aragorn & Palantir - Magali Villeneuve
Aragorn – The Broken Sword (2)
The One Ring – mikenashillustration
Aragorn - Jerry Vanderstelt
Sauron – JohnnySlowhand
Mordor – The Broken Sword
Sauron - Jerry Vanderstelt
At the Cracks of Doom – Ted Nasmith
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King – New Line Cinema
The Five – Sindacollo
Ithryn Luin – XteveAbanto
The Many Faces of Gandalf - Sepi-Donne
Army of Mordor – darekzabrocki
Thus Came Aragorn - Ted Nasmith
Orcs – sandara
Flame of Udûn - Manuel Castanon
Gandalf the White – Leanaz
Gandalf the White - Suzanne-Helmigh
Dark Gandalf - David Rodriguez
Sauron Silhouette - William Faucher
Aragorn – Mitheriel
Aragorn – The Broken Sword (3)
Morgoth Defeated – RenatoCDomingos
The One Ring of Power LOTR – Ryan
Sauron - Jean Pascal Leclerc Kegle
Aragorn - Adam Middleton
Sauron – akreon
Gandalf Sunset – The Broken Sword
Aragorn – fromKITnoc
Battle Of The Last Alliance - Enta0178
J.R.R.Tolkien Tribute - Ivan Cavini
Middle earth – Klaradox


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#LordoftheRingsLore #Sauron #Gandalf
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According to Mithrandir, Sauron knows fear. Sauron would fear Aragorn because he was the Heir of Isildur, wielded Narsil, was the rightful owner of the Ithil Stone (Which Sauron used to great effect on Denethor. Sauron couldn't do that to Aragorn) Finally Aragorn is a descendant of Luthien. Luthien was able to cast down both Sauron and Morgoth.


His greatest antagonist was Sam.

Every aspect of Sam’s very being was entirely incomprehensible to Sauron, and his inability to understand Sam’s simple agape for Frodo meant that there was no way for Sauron to manipulate, no crack to exploit. Sam’s devotion made him invisible to the Dark Lord. All that Sauron could do was harm his body; he could never harm his spirit.


Sauron should have feared Merry most of all. Merry was instrumental into getting Treebeard to attack Isengard, and he was instrumental in helping Eowyn to kill the witch king. Merry did more direct damage to Sauron’s most powerful allies than anyone else on middle earth


Other than a couple of hobbits destroying his ring, I think the greatest actual threat to Sauron was that he would get the ring and win the war. From what I understand Eru intended that men would more or less inherit middle earth and manage their own affairs going forward. It wasn't the option he would have wanted, but if it came down to it he would have sent Tulkas with some chains to have a little chat with Sauron and reunite him with his old master in the void.


Im saying it now, This is one of the Best and my favorites videos ever! I've always loved that detail that Sauron altough in full his might was always afarid of Heirs of Islidur, esspecially Aragorn! And also one of my favorite scenes from movies was from The Two Towers when Gandalf said "The Heir of Numenor still lives, Sauron Fears You Aragorn" and when Ian Mckellen says that in a way he did, its so epic! So yeah I definitely think that Sauron was afraid of Aragorn!
James, as always great and interesting video!!


My opinion; I would assume that Sauron would be somewhat afraid of Glorfindel aswell, alongside Gandalf and Aragorn. i mean, Glorfindel came back as an immortal, even the Nazguls were hesitant (if I remember correctly) to confront him. Great video by the way, keep 'em coming!


Sauron vs. Bombadil would be an interesting match up.


It seems that childlike simplicity was the greatest threat to Sauron. He never suspected the small and powerless. His real nemeses were Frodo and Sam: simple, loyal and unambitious to acquire power and wealth. It never occurred to him that any being would consider destruction of the ring.


I think Sauron was largely too strong to defeat because he stayed in Barad-dûr by the time we come to "meet" him in LOTR. Remember that he was actually defeated a few times in history when he fought personally - by Huan the Hound (with Luthien present) in the First Age, by the White Council at Dol-Guldur, by the Numenoreans led by Ar-Pharazon and of course by Elendil and Gil-Galad. Of course, it was only Huan who really defeated him one-on-one, but one clue is that he didn't defeat Finrod Felagund easily; it was definitely a contest before Sauron eventually overcame Finrod's magic.

It's worth remembering that Sauron was greatly weakened by this point in time. Not only was he recrafting his body after multiple "deaths", but he had put most of his power into the Ring and had lost the Ring, and finally he had put his will into the host of his armies. In the same way that Morgoth was diminished personally by all the power he put out to corrupt Arda and create new monsters, Sauron must have been diminished vs his original power by the time of the Third Age. If Fingolfin could severely injure _Morgoth_ eight times and really threaten to win (even though he didn't), then I doubt Sauron was above fear, especially with his history of defeats in personal combat. Would he have relished the thought of facing Gandalf the White 1 vs 1 in an open plain, without support from anyone, or Galadriel...or Glorfindel, who was now more powerful than when he and a Balrog fought to a fatal stalemate and unlike the Istari was not constrained by an aged mortal body? Maybe Sauron would still have won in such a desperate situation, but I don't think he would have liked the odds.

As Aragorn said, he wasn't above fear and anyone significant who claimed the Ring might have a chance to defeat him - of course, it would also ruin them in the process.


I am amazed by your thought and insight on this fascinating subject. Honestly, the best LOTR video I have ever seen. Thank you so much. Your work is greatly appreciated!


While each person listed have their pros and cons, I think Sauron should have feared all of them working together. Combining their powers, abilities, skills, knowledge... Strengthening and empowering each other towards a common goal. It was never about a one on one fight, it's was all of them together against Sauron alone.


He would know of the rules Olorin had to follow and that he would only be a direct threat if he himself attacked, if he did that he would lose against Olorin who was sent back by Eru to complete his task and was untouchable.
For those who are not as Tolkien nerdy as I am, Olorin is Gandalfs original name in Maiar form, Maiar being Angels. When Gandalf the White came to middle Earth he was likely in the form of Olorin and with all his strength so thats why in the book no enemy was brave enough to attack him and indeed when he chose no shadow would even fall upon him. Eru is the creator of all and it is indicated when Gandalf the grey died he went to the void where Eru resides and was sent back by Eru and not the Valar who are the Arch Angels if you like.


To me, Tom Bombadil is like an element; an immaterial entity that shapes the world around him like a river shapes a valley. His existence in the book is very deliberate. His character is said to be as old as Arda itself. He seems to have the ability to repel evil with little effort. His existence is beyond the existence of any other character in the story. Personally, I feel like Tom Bombadil has always been Tolkiens clever way of writing himself in. A subtle break in the 3rd wall like how Steven King wrote himself into a character that existed in the Dark Tower series. A character that engages with the characters of the story but is aware of themselves being beyond the story. Tom versus Sauron wouldn’t work because that’s not the story being told, if that makes sense. The two characters don’t quite exist together in the same sense. If they did come face to face, I feel like it would not be as exciting as one might think. Sauron would give Tom as much regard as one might regard the direction of the wind blowing through the trees. Tom would acknowledge Sauron but perhaps he would understand the purpose that Sauron serves to move and shape Arda. I can’t imagine immortal beings have much regard for “good vs evil.” It’s all change. Moments that are finite compared to the infinite. Much like how the Valar don’t directly interact. Instead they gently guide existence with little direct interaction. If Sauron went full on Connor McGregor, the square up with old Tom would be him bending Sauron across his knee for a century long rump paddling 🤣


I think each of the fellowship possessed something that Sauron feared and loathed.

Gimli: his natural dwarvish resistance to his influence.
Legolas: Plain and simply one of the most badass Elves of the age. Sauron always feared the Elves and their power.
Boromir: His capability of self-sacrifice.
Aragorn: the heir to Isildur and Elendil, epitomizes the strength of men.
Gandalf: the only wizard who stayed true to his quest, a constant thorn in his side and one of the few beings who could possibly stand against him one-on-one.
Merry and Pippin: Their cleverness, luck, resourcefulness and the fact that the Hobbits significance were largely beyond Sauron's understanding.
Sam: his courage and loyalty to his master in the face of all odds.
Frodo: his resilence and compassion.

They really were the ultimate group that could be set against Sauron, even when they went their separate ways. Middle Earth isn't saved and Sauron defeated without each of them playing their part.


Pippin of the Shire is who he should’ve feared most

He alerted Aragorn to the ring bearer
He woke the balrog causing Gandalf to be reborn as the white

His bravery brought about the downfall of Saruman and Isengard

He deceived the dark lord into believing he was the ring bearer

He saved Faramir and caused Denethor to die paving the way for the return of the king

No pippin no happy ending in LOTR


Nice timing, I needed some Tolkien lore today!


I would say Sauron should have feared the unknown the most. Elves and men he could predict on their actions, but as you said here, the choice of destroying the ring was unthinkable to him. The ring was a tool to be used either against him or be be manipulated by his will to have the holder aid him. Thus the choice to destroy the ring worked.


The ones he feared were Luthien, Beren and Huan.
Aragorn gave him PTSD from their encounter


Another great video - thanks! I would love to see Sauron vs. Bombadil!


I think saurons biggest fears are the entities that he already run away from or tried:

