Let’s build for Ruby & Rails developers - Part 1

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I'm excited to announce the new launch of a series where I focus on building a community and job marketplace for Ruby and Rails developers.

To be considered a successful build I want to:

- Create something useful for the Ruby and Rails community.
- Show the process of creating a real-world application as best as I can.
- Launch the final application and hopefully see some traction (with your help of course!).
### The process

If you've followed my screencasts in the past you might notice I'm fairly thorough. This is by design.

When I was first learning there were very few people teaching this way. To grasp a concept and learn something new I wanted to be able to see the teacher think and respond to real errors or unexpected results to help me confirm I'm not alone as I struggle to inch forward with progress. This "realness" helped me understand what routes others might take to achieve success with their coding journey.

This series will be a little different in terms of style/editing. While I plan to edit a lot of the video I don't plan to be very meticulous with it since I anticipate this taking quite a few parts to complete. We're building a fully functioning Ruby on Rails app from the ground up and I like sweating details 😅.


- This series will be more of journaling like series.
- I'll do my best to film everything but there may be times where I summarize certain phases to save us all some sanity as I battle bugs, sleep, eat, etc...
- I'll try to post on a consistent schedule as time allows.
- This entire process might be a bit more relaxed (less edited) than other screencasts I've done but I think it will be worthwhile still to see the entire process.
- The primary focus is to get a good v1 (MVP) of the application shipped. This might mean fewer tests/designs so I can better validate my initial assumptions.

### Staying transparent

While I'm building this app as a means to teach more people, I do intend to earn from it if it pans out to be a successful project. I'll go into more about how I think the application might work next but I wanted to get that out of the way initially. This might mean some details I can't share like API keys, billing details, and other more private concerns. I think for the most part everything else will be public and transparent.

The source code is one of those areas I'm not sure if I want to make public but probably will so others can follow along and learn from. It wouldn't be fair to everyone if I didn't. Assuming this project is successful there may come a time down the road where I stop supporting the public version of the code directly in favor of a private version on my own.

Continue reading and learn more about the application we'll build here:


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☕️ Keep me awake. Buy me a coffee
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Man I can't pay for what you are offering but I promise to watch your ads in full without skipping. Thankyou!


Dig the concept. There's a lot of value for beginners in those super polished and edited videos. But when trying to take things to the next level, watching an experienced developer deal with errors and struggle to find solutions is incredibly valuable.


Wow thanks for sharing your knowledge. :)


I'm needing to get more familiar in Rails at my current job. I have enjoyed your previous Rails videos and look forward to learning more in this series. Thank you for taking the time to provide these useful videos!


Glad to see Andy post another series, gonna check you now from time to time


Found this channel today :) I am excited for RoR as there are very few good videos on this on Youtube


Looks great thanks for this new concept :)


The playlist needs to be reordered because it’s playing #18 first. It’s in reverse, so it’s a bunch of clicking on an iPad to go back, find the next video in the series and then start that one. Haven’t watched yet, this is just my initial experience that I thought I’d share. Production quality looks really good though.


Excellent!!! waiting for the next part.


would love to follow this project! just found you today!


What are you using for those high-fidelity mockups?


thanks to share this knowledge please how to switch between ruby V in windows ?


There's already rubyjobs.com and you can ask questions/talk on SO or in a couple of slack/telegram groups. It's up to you...
