Let’s build for Ruby & Rails developers - Part 1

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I'm excited to announce the new launch of a series where I focus on building a community and job marketplace for Ruby and Rails developers.
To be considered a successful build I want to:
- Create something useful for the Ruby and Rails community.
- Show the process of creating a real-world application as best as I can.
- Launch the final application and hopefully see some traction (with your help of course!).
### The process
If you've followed my screencasts in the past you might notice I'm fairly thorough. This is by design.
When I was first learning there were very few people teaching this way. To grasp a concept and learn something new I wanted to be able to see the teacher think and respond to real errors or unexpected results to help me confirm I'm not alone as I struggle to inch forward with progress. This "realness" helped me understand what routes others might take to achieve success with their coding journey.
This series will be a little different in terms of style/editing. While I plan to edit a lot of the video I don't plan to be very meticulous with it since I anticipate this taking quite a few parts to complete. We're building a fully functioning Ruby on Rails app from the ground up and I like sweating details 😅.
- This series will be more of journaling like series.
- I'll do my best to film everything but there may be times where I summarize certain phases to save us all some sanity as I battle bugs, sleep, eat, etc...
- I'll try to post on a consistent schedule as time allows.
- This entire process might be a bit more relaxed (less edited) than other screencasts I've done but I think it will be worthwhile still to see the entire process.
- The primary focus is to get a good v1 (MVP) of the application shipped. This might mean fewer tests/designs so I can better validate my initial assumptions.
### Staying transparent
While I'm building this app as a means to teach more people, I do intend to earn from it if it pans out to be a successful project. I'll go into more about how I think the application might work next but I wanted to get that out of the way initially. This might mean some details I can't share like API keys, billing details, and other more private concerns. I think for the most part everything else will be public and transparent.
The source code is one of those areas I'm not sure if I want to make public but probably will so others can follow along and learn from. It wouldn't be fair to everyone if I didn't. Assuming this project is successful there may come a time down the road where I stop supporting the public version of the code directly in favor of a private version on my own.
Continue reading and learn more about the application we'll build here:
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