The Real Driving Test Midland (We Followed them)

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I've been driving here for about 6 months and I just got my assessment today and successfully got approved, so I'll have my driver's license transfer from overseas, thanks to your videos and tips! ❤


I was a driving instructor many years ago, looks like nothing has really changed with the way the assessments are conducted.


I failed my driving test in midland cause I went over the solid white line, but it wasn't fair, because if I didn't go over the solid white line, I would have hit the car who had their nose sticking out onto my lane, so I'm guessing getting my bumper torn off wouldn't been better then going over a line, I hope this doesn't happen again


Just a note for those taking their test in Midland, Robinson Road has since been cut off.


Hi, I've been watching all your videos and reading the comments too but I just have a couple things I would like to seek clarification on if you have the answers :)

1. When reverse bay parking to either the LH side or RH side you use the left indicator (no matter the side) when slowing down getting in position to perform the park, then after stopping and before starting to reverse into the spot you turn the indicator off... is this correct?

2. When leaving a driveway you don't indicate if reversing out, but you do indicate if moving out forwards?

3. When asked to park for "stopping for shopping" I often hear that you're meant to pick a spot promptly, would spending roughly 20 seconds and a turn or two to reach the quieter side of the car park (if there is one) be too long that it would be a minor fault?

4. I am aware of observations like checking blind spot etc. but when just doing general driving with nothing much going on does the assessor look to see if I am checking my rearview mirror every 10 seconds or so? or how often do they expect candidates to check the rearview mirror when there's not much happening.

Big thanks to any answers and for these videos, they are extremely helpful!


@DrivingSchoolWA i was in Midland today actually! Its changed a lot since the last time i was there i did notice there though they have lights there which are crossings, do those particular lights stay green all the time unless a pedestrian pushes the button to cross?


Hi this a great video thank you! Could you please do one of the same style at the cockburn test centre? Thanks, Matt 😎


Hey Steve, just done my PDA today failed due to quite few things major thing being failing to use revision mirror, is it possible wearing a hat could have made it hard for assessor to see my checks, or should I just be moving my head more to show it, only because I felt like I was checking quite a lot as I tend to do, Also love watching the routes very informative and interesting.


Hi. I am just interested in the fact that are assessors allowed to discontinue the test when there is no “fail” or “discontinue” recorded? Because it seems like the test has been terminated before sections 4, 5 were assessed and there was no fail or discontinue recorded for this test. Thanks a lot!


Hello guys, while driving, if you could give the speed limit for each street at the bottom of the screen every time you turn, it would be really helpful so we know what the speed limit is at each street. Thank you..


Just a note when I did mine end of 2021 I had it very similar to this but did the parking exercise on gray drive near new pavilion


Failed mine yesterday. Right in the first 2 minutes at the right turn, I got too nervous and had a sudden stop right on the white line on the freeway. When we are approaching the turn, if the right arrow becomes yellow but we have already passed the white line, we need to proceed to the middle of the intersection and complete the turn right?


it would be really helpful if you mention the speed limits, specific to every street, with the street name your video is showing. thanks.


Hi Steve, just a question about the bringing your own car to the test, is it okay to bring a car that has no parking break centrally mounted? If it’s automatic break. Now a days many of the newer cars don’t have a physically side break. Also, in a few years time cars will probably all run on that so won’t DOT make new rules on this? Cause then people will have to start searching for older models just to take it to their PDA


Hi Steve, do you have updated route for Midland, or any pointers please.


I'm going for my test on the 4th, I'm so nervous, I really need to pass so I can get to work, I hate how my parents aren't always there to help me


Is it acceptable for a so called examiner at Midland to constantly mess with the air con controls and deliberately obstruct the gearstick with their knee during a test?


Did my test yesterday and failed because i went on the wrong side of the road at a car park, i was doing the stopping for shopping exercise and had just done a reverse park (which was good) then went to do a forward park but im used to forward parking on the right not the left so the stupid thing i did is i ignored all the left free parking spots and went further down but the carpark was pretty full. So as i went further down i didn’t realise there was a roundabout at the end. I was on the left side of the road looking for right hand parking as you’re supposed to, they were all full. There was also a car in that roundabout so the assessor intervened, i didnt get to finish my other exercises we went straight back.


Am going for my p plate on Thursday the 21th but tomorrow am going to midland to drive the route


Thank you for the tip....Are you allowed to follow the examiner??
