CNC Tool Setter | Up Your Game

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#OneFinity #cnc #cncrouter #toolsetter
If you own a CNC then you should watch this video to learn more about how a Tool Setter (or a Z-axis probe) can improve the way you work. In this video I walk through what a tool setter is, how it works, how its installed, and how it can improve your CNC workflow.
Time Stamps:
0:00 Introduction
0:42 What is a CNC Tool Setter?
1:15 How Does a CNC Tool Setter Work?
2:35 CNC Homing vs. Zeroing vs. Tool Setter
4:06 CNC Tool Setter Installation
5:46 CNC Tool Setter Setup
7:00 CNC Tool Setter Demo and Benefits Overview
Video Specific Links:
Festool Equipment:
WoodPecker Equipment:
CNC Accessories:
If you own a CNC then you should watch this video to learn more about how a Tool Setter (or a Z-axis probe) can improve the way you work. In this video I walk through what a tool setter is, how it works, how its installed, and how it can improve your CNC workflow.
Time Stamps:
0:00 Introduction
0:42 What is a CNC Tool Setter?
1:15 How Does a CNC Tool Setter Work?
2:35 CNC Homing vs. Zeroing vs. Tool Setter
4:06 CNC Tool Setter Installation
5:46 CNC Tool Setter Setup
7:00 CNC Tool Setter Demo and Benefits Overview
Video Specific Links:
Festool Equipment:
WoodPecker Equipment:
CNC Accessories:
CNC Tool Setter | Up Your Game
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