Testing the Neje 3 Max V2 with 20watt E80 laser module

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I was excited to try out the Neje 3 Max V2 as it has many of the features I look for in a laser and in a wider format! At just over 30" wide it gives almost double the working area of typical diode lasers while maintaining an orientation that will work well for an enclosure and keep access easy to the working area. Paired with the E80 module that boasts 20w of optical laser power, this laser can cut through most 1/4 material including plywood and even cut 3/4" clear aspen or pine.
I test out a number of materials with this laser and see how it performs with a 30" wide sign. So far I'm liking this and can't wait to get it into an enclosure and put it to work!
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#nejelaser #laserengraver #diodelaser
I test out a number of materials with this laser and see how it performs with a 30" wide sign. So far I'm liking this and can't wait to get it into an enclosure and put it to work!
To find out more, check out the affiliate links below.
Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for behind-the-scenes on what is happening in my workshop!
#nejelaser #laserengraver #diodelaser
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