Global Error Handling in JavaScript - #39 @Everyday-Be-Coding
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Global error handling in JavaScript allows you to catch and handle unhandled exceptions and errors that occur anywhere in your application. This is useful for logging errors, displaying error messages to users, or performing cleanup tasks. Here's how you can set up global error handling in JavaScript:
Copy code
// Log the error or perform other actions
You can also use the addEventListener() method to attach an event listener for the error event to the window object. This allows you to handle errors in a more flexible and modern way.
Copy code
// Log the error or perform other actions
The error event object contains properties such as message, filename, lineno, colno, and error, which provide information about the error.
By setting up global error handling, you can ensure that unhandled errors in your JavaScript code are caught and handled appropriately, improving the robustness and reliability of your application.
JavaScript Error Handling
JavaScript Exceptions
Global Error Handling
JavaScript Try Catch
Error Handling Techniques
Frontend Development
Web Development
JavaScript Debugging
Development Best Practices
JavaScript Tips and Tricks
Chapter :
00:00 Global Error Handling
01:48 Summery
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