Financial Post - FP Innovators - Dr. Geordie Rose, D-Wave Systems Inc.

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If computers could learn, grow and evolve the same way humans can, the world would be a much better place, Dr. Geordie Rose argues. The co-founder and chief technology officer of Burnaby, B.C.-based quantum computing firm D-Wave Systems Inc. contends that humanity would gain unprecedented access to education, health care and information if only his company's technology were more widely adopted. Having sold its first quantum computing system to Lockheed Martin Corp. for approximately $10-million, the doctor of theoretical physics spoke to Financial Post technology reporter Jameson Berkow about his plan to change the world. The following is an edited transcription of their conversation.

Q: You probably get this question every time you meet somebody new, but...

A: What is quantum computing?

Q: Exactly.

A: Well I start by telling them what the machines do, not what they are. So the machines are designed to solve what are called machine learning problems. This is a sub-field of artificial intelligence whose main purpose is building software that gets better over time. So imagine you build a piece of software that learns and gets better at what it does as it lives in the world. It does that by being shown examples of what good behaviour is and what examples of bad behaviour are and it learns to mimic good behaviour and learns to avoid bad behaviour.

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