What is Anarcho-Communism? Kropotkin & Bakunin | Conquest of Bread Polandball/Countryball Philosophy

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📢What is Anarcho-communism? How is it different from its Statist/Marxist counterpart? And is putting scientists in charge of the government really that bad an idea? You can help us make more videos like this one on: 👀

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- Rimworld OST
- Mother Anarchy Loves Her Sons (Rock Version)
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The conquest of bread:

A book about biology that explains the process of a mold infestation


While Anarchism in general is intriguing, the part that no one has been able to sufficiently explain to me is how to both start and maintain it in the face of nation states.


michael Bakunin’s prediction about state communism was really right on point especially when it came to the Soviet Union


In regards to the European railways I do find it kinda adorable that he ignores that indeed the state played a central role in the organisation of railways both back then and now. Regulating things like rail gauge, timetables, timezones, train cars etc.


As they say Mother Anarchy loves her sons.


Political ideology are such an interesting topic because that really effect our life like if we elected an leftist or and right winger the outcome will be totally different but these ideology can also be similar in there nature so it is good that we learn about them and make up our own mind


This was an awesome video!
I expected Makhnovia but this is cool too!
Your presentation of anarcho-communism was excellent and was really nice to listen to!
If you ever make a video about Makhnovia, here's a fun fact you might have not known: the Estonian Red Riflemen from the Estonian civil war were encircled by the black army when they attacked the free territory's capital who later on surrendered, about 10 000 estonian and latvian soldiers were disarmed but Makhno saw them as proletarian brothers and gave them 2 options:
-To go home
-To join the black army and continue the workers' anti-bolshevik anti-state revolution.


"And is putting scientists in charge of the government really that bad an idea?"
Wait, you bastard - is this that damn knob Plato again?


I feel like the ancap video does a lot better job of explaining what anarcho-capitalists believe than this one, because it explains the anarchist argument for why private companies should substitute government. Thus, I will attempt to remedy this by the following comment:

Anarcho-communism is a very similar ideology, but it just uses a different set of property norms and slightly different assumptions about human behavior. Ancapism uses lockean property, where you own a piece of land (in theory) forever if you 'mix your labour with the land', until you sell it. Anarcho-communism sees two types of property: personal property, such as your house and clothes, which you own via using it yourself; and private property, which is property that you own but have someone else work. For example, your apartment is your personal property, but it is the private property of the landlord. Ancoms view the latter as exploitative and illegitimate. They believe that all all production should be managed by the workers themselves. So, a factory, being worked upon by a number of workers, would be those workers' property and managed by the workers voting on decisions. Some anarchists even advocate for consensus decision making, which was practiced by ancient tribes.

Ancoms also believe that money wouldn't exist. In an anarcho-communist society, you would be able to go into your town's shop, get whatever you wanted, and leave without having to pay for anything. Ancoms think that many of the jobs we do now contribute nothing to society and that people who did work that actually mattered would still do their jobs if they could manage them themselves. Ancoms thus think that crimes would almost never happen. Why would you steal if you could get whatever you needed for less trouble? If someone committed a crime, it's likely that he would ostracised by his community, who may even refuse to give him any food. There's also the fact that people would be well armed in an ancom society, so would likely be able to defend their property.

There's also a concept in ancomism called mutual aid, which is that idea that rational self interest will cause humans to naturally cooperate for a greater good. For instance, if no one cleaned the sewers, the sewers would get clogged. Thus, it's in the rational self interest of all people in the community for someone to clean the sewers. The sewer-cleaners would also be highly valued by their peers, who may shower them with luxury gifts or build them houses in the nicest parts of town. The community would want to treat the sewer-cleaners well because if they didn't, those cleaners might just go somewhere where their services are more valuable. It is for similar reasons that neighborhood watches and defence groups would also likely form. The anarchist territory in the Russian civil war, called the free territory, had a large army of cossacks, infantry, machine guns, and even an armoured train, all without using conscription.

On the subject of defence, ancaps and ancoms have very similar ideas. Those who were part of a inter-community defence force would be highly valued by communities, and would thus be given access to many luxury items and would do their best to please the community. Overall, an ancomist society would be an intersting one, one where humble soldiers and garbagemen would live in luxurious homes and dine on the finest foods in the land.

You can see that this is a very similar line of thinking to ancaps' ideas about self-interest leading to a more stable society. Ancoms just extend this notion towards the health of the broader community.

My main critique of anarcho-communism is that mutual aid is nice and all, but there has to be a sense of community in the first place. Different ethnic groups may have a rational incentive to cooperate, but people aren't always rational.

I'd also like to mention that there is another school of anarchism called anarcho-mutualism. Anmuts agree with ancoms that private property shouldn't exist and that workers should own their workplaces, but they still think that money and free markets are the best way to provide services. Anmuts think that capitalism and free markets are two different things. According to mutualists like Benjamin Tucker, private property only exists due to state intervention in the free market and that all all private property in today's world comes from a history of theft and exploitation. Mutualists think that the insurance companies of ancapism would exist, but would be mutually owned. Such mutual insurance actually existed among workers, but the government invented wellfare so that workers would become dependent on the state and not revolt against capitalism.


throughout the entire train analogy, it simply sounded like an argument for free market liberalism.


"If companies owning railways have been able to agree, why should railway workers, who would take possession of railways, not agree likewise?"
Getting 100 people to agree on something is difficult. Getting 1 million is impossible.


Can you ever do a video about Georgism, it's one of the best ideologies I've read about, and it can be used by nearly everyone on the political spectrum, excepting anarchists and maybe those who wish to abolish free property.


I literally just did a report in my English class about the history of anarchism, and I had actually talked a lot about Bakunin. Great video all around!


Maybe do a video on Max Stirner and his Anarcho-Egoist philosophy please?


Interesting use of Children of the Omnissiah there...


The art is just getting better and better


I honestly want to approach, if only slightly in our time, a world where one day we move hearts not with the fists of our fury, but the fires of free thought.


Wikipedia is another example of a libertarian (in the left anarchist meaning, not in the ultra capitalist USAmericans understanding) project. While it has flaws, it generated millions of articles and made knowledge way more accessible to many people around the world, in hundreds of languages. There was no money incentive, just cooperation


This shows one of those good "What if's" of history. The what if anarcho communism won out in Russia compared to Marx's Communist statism. I feel like Russia would've charted a very different course of history if it followed the Anarcho-Communist model instead of Russian interpretation of Marx's ideals.
