Στράτος Διονυσίου 1960 1990 A

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Στράτος Διονυσίου
1960-1990 Τριάντα Χρόνια Επιτυχίες
Minos MSM 876/877/878
Greece, 1991
Collection St. Michaleas

00:00 Βρέχει Φωτιά Στη Στράτα Μου - Λ. Παπαδόπουλος, Μ. Πλέσσας
02:50 Αργά Είναι Πια Αργά - Απ. Καλδάρας
05:44 Και Λέγε Λέγε - Γ. Πάριος, Θαν. Πολυκανδριώτης
08:45 Καλλίτερα Μαζί Σου Και Τρελλός - Αλ. Χρυσοβέργης, Σπ. Γιατράς
12:21 Ο Λαός Τραγούδι Θέλει - Γ. Βρούβας, Γ. Παπαγιαννόπουλος, Τ. Σούκας
15:57 Το Μπουζούκι Του Νικόλα - Στρ. Διονυσίου

18:56 Τα Πήρες Όλα - Γ. Πάριος, Θαν. Πολυκανδριώτης
22:39 Αφιλότιμη - Γ. Χατζηνάσιος, Τ. Οικονόμου
25:40 Ο Ταξιτζής - Βασ. Παπαδόπουλος, Τ. Μουσαφίρης
28:29 Γυναίκες Γυναίκες - Γιαν. Παλαιολόγου, Σ. Παπά
31:20 Χθες Το Βράδυ Στην Ταβέρνα - Αντ. Ρεπάνης, Π. Καμηλιέρης
34:20 Νομίζεις - Αλ. Χρυσοβέργης, Σπ. Γιατράς

Record Company - Μίνως Μάτσας & Υιός Α.Ε.
Manufactured by Distributed By - EMI Greece S.A.
Printed by - I. Leonardos S.A.
℗ 1991 M. Matsas & Son Co Ltd


TTT is based on the Floating Tangential Tonearm - a licensed invention of Mr. Nicolay Ivanov.


TTT features:

• Wow: typically within 0.04 - 0,05 %
• Speed accuracy: typically within ± 0.1 %
• Rumble, indirectly measured:
Unweighted: below -70 dB at 0 - 45 Hz
• Bearings friction: below 2 g-force at 15 cm

• Hum noise (cartridge over LP, motor ON):
Unweighted: -78.1 dB
ITU-R 468 weighted: -82.8 dB
• Rolling noise at 1 mm/s: below -70 dB unweighted within 25 - 20000 Hz
• Tracking angle error distortion: below 0.15 % at 60 mm, below 0.06% at 145 mm
• Lateral friction force at stylus:
Typically below 8 dyne (average groove density, eccentricity at 0.1 mm/s),
of which 3 dyne bearings friction, 1 dyne water friction
and 4 dyne - the inertia maxima for 0.1 mm eccentricity.
• Vertical effective mass at the stylus point: ≈ 14 g
• Horizontal tonearm mass at the stylus point: about 32 g
• Principal tonearm resonance: ≈ 11 Hz (with AT-VM95E cartridge)


Edited digital file properties:

• Frequency equalization: ± 0.5 dB within 25 - 20000 Hz
• Rumble level: less than -80 dB at 15 Hz and lower
• Noise floor: -64 dB within 25 - 20000 Hz
• Dynamic range: 58 dB within 25 - 20000 Hz


Important reminder:

After a number of hardware and software improvements in my system, I have started to load higher quality versions of selected music already loaded in the past. If you have downloaded an old version of a clip and you like it, I suggest you to download the new, better one. If you have just a link to the old version, you have to update it to the new one, as long as I remove the older versions from my channel.
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Един от най-добрите гръцки изпълнители, заедно с Григорис Битикотсис и Казандзидис
