Who does it faster? Stihl MS201TC M vs Echo CS 362TES vs Husqvarna T540XP

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Comparing the Stihl MS201TC M vs the Echo CS-362TES vs T540XP

MS201TC M was equipped with a PS3 chain filed half way down and depth gauge was set on 0.65mm down. (2018 chainsaw) 1.8kW, 3.7kg

CS-362TES was brand new and the carburettor adjusted according Echo's standards at 13500RPM. Equipped with a new Oregon 91VXL chain. (2019 Chainsaw) 1.5kW, 3.6kg

T540XP was a equipped with a new Oregon 91VXL chain. (2016 chainsaw) 1.8kW, 3.7kg

Fuel: Aspen 2 (for all 3 of them)

Chain oil: Aspen Bio chain. (for all 3 of them)

Log/wood: 10x10cm Douglas (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

The 3 units had a 5 minutes warm-up time and dit 3 cuts each before the test in pine wood (Pinus sylvestris) to make sure that the Electronic adjusted carburettor was properly set on the Stihl MS201TC M and Husqvarna T540XP.
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The last several years I have really been buying more echo to replace the worn out sthils… better price, cheaper chains, awesome performance and reliability!


Echo chain was definitely sharper. I’ve used all 3 and the 201 and 540 definitely more power than the 362 or 355. The echo is definitely a great saw for power to price though


I’ve been running sthil for almost 7 years and the only problem I’ve ram into was breaking the pull cord.


Echo power wasn't expecting that 💪


You can literally see operators holding back saws competing against Echo. This may fool the average Joe but not me, been playing with saws for too long.


This product is sold for 350 dollars in Turkey, both
economically and with performance. Echo 25 11


The Stihl 200 is the one u want. The 201 replaced it because of emissions plus it’s also tuned way down.


I use both saws still 201 and echo 355. The still is more balanced, and lighter. The echo is slightly heavier not as well balanced for one-handed use. You should always use two hands to cut so that is not a problem, the echo is close to half the price and have found it to be more reliable in the Long haul. It looks like I'm starting to go echo..


So the point is which us faster right ?
We buy a top handle saw to go to competition not to work.
I use stihl and i have and one echo pole saw.
The pole saw is not so strong as stihl pole saw.


No way. I have an echo 355 t and a 201 tc. The echo is a decent saw but its not even close to the stihl. I would think the 540 would be close to the stihl. The echo is half the price, twice the vibration and 2/3 the power. I am a pro and run them for entire life cycles in about 2 years.


Works great for meat n flesh !!! Thank you just the saw I needed. Now for the rest of this mess.


Interesting video was the echo a lot sharper?


I have the 2511t ported the muffler and changed the sprocket to a 1/4 pitch running on a 12" stihl bar and chain and WOW turned it from a homeowner saw to a bad ass and I'm just wondering how the 355t would handle that probably blow the husqvarna and stihl out the water


Only thing I learned is that the user on the left was better at using saws lol


There's something clearly going on with the Stihl! That saw should never ever bog on something like that! Every 200/201 I've used. Would eat anything the length of the bar could touch! Obviously I was an arborist and trimmed trees for close to 10yrs! That Stihl should be cranking out at a much higher RPM! I've ran it with a 12in and a 14in bar all year round throughout cold ass winters and humid ass summers. Never did I have a Stihl act like that, unless something was clearly wrong with it! IDC what anyone says, when it comes to professional grade saws. Stihl is king! There were days in the winter where it was freezing like - 10 some days. It was when I first started and I ran a MS361 groyndsaw and 200T trim saw. I would pray to God neither one would start. The trucks didn't start, the chippers struggled. But the saws, always started. One or two pulls on full Choke. One on half Choke, it'd fire right up. Pop the brake off and let it Rev up on half Choke for a sec. Then hit the throttle and it would kick the Choke off completely and scream. Every single time! We didn't even have to adjust it for winter settings. We ran echos at one point, and I hated using them! They were dogs! I could do a fast slash cut on a 4/5in tree and have it drop and spear right in the ground. The echo always had issues and we never tried it. At least not on the trees between the power lines! Husky has cheap ass plastic controls so damn chincy, the husky and the echo have fucking primers FFS! The stihl does not. That's a good way to know if it's a homeowner saw or a professional saw! Some husky ground saws are OK. But not professionally, imo.


My saw and a sharp blade is my favorite. I have an echo on my next list as i like the price and the blowers seem great. Stihl seems like they changed the recipe.


Very interessting results. Thanks for your videos!
Greetings Dirk


It would be great of echo to admit that reliability and price are their strength, not performance (except for the 2511, that saw is a class on its own)


This was a great video to show Howard worn out stihl could still compete against husky and echo with brand new bars and chains put a new bar and chain on that stihl and it will blow them out of the water. I have both that echo and that stihl and the stihl is way better.


When you see the guy wearing echo branded gloves you can pretty well tell which one is going to cut faster lol
