Hicran Olacaksa Bu Aşkın Sonu - Ferit Sıdal - 20th Century Turkish Music

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"Hicran Olacaksa Bu Aşkın Sonu" (If Sorrow is the End of This Love) is a Turkish song composed and written by Ferit Sıdal. It is performed in the Rast makam (mode) and follows the Düyek usul (rhythm).

Ferit Sıdal was born on March 1, 1925, in Ankara, Turkey. While attending Gazi High School, he developed an interest in the Tanbur, a traditional Turkish stringed instrument. He received Tanbur lessons from the renowned tambura virtuoso Tamburi Cemil Bey's student, Tevfik Bey. He continued his studies with another famous Tanbur player, İzzettin Ökte. He also worked on repertoire with Nurettin Cemil Bey and studied musical notation with Şerif İçli. In 1950, Sıdal joined Ankara Radio as a tambura artist. The same year, he married Müzeyyen Hanım. After 1956, he added choir conducting to his artistic pursuits and served as a conductor for various ensembles. In 1972, when the Music Department of TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation) was established, Sıdal was appointed as the head of Turkish Classical Music. He held this position for 13 years. After retiring from TRT in 1990, he was honored with the title of State Artist in 1998. Even in his retirement, he continued to contribute to TRT in different capacities. Starting from 1951, Sıdal also began composing music and left his mark on more than a hundred compositions. Sadly, Ferit Sıdal passed away on August 9, 2001, leaving behind a significant legacy in Turkish music.

Turkish Lyrics

Hicran olacaksa bu aşkın sonu,
Bırak git, bağrımı delme boş yere.
Maksadın naz edip üzmekse beni,
Gittiğin yerde kal, gelme boş yere.

Ne beni güldürdün, ne kendin güldün,
Bu aşk da yazık, doğarken öldü.
Maksadın naz edip üzmekse beni,
Gittiğin yerde kal, gelme boş yere.

English Translation

If sorrow is going to be the end of this love,
Just leave, don't pierce my heart in vain.
If your intention is to tease and hurt me,
Stay where you've gone, don't come back in vain.

You neither made me laugh nor did you laugh yourself,
This love, unfortunately, died as it was born.
If your intention is to tease and hurt me,
Stay where you've gone, don't come back in vain.
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You are making a great effort in spreading beauty of music. You are a true blessing, God bless you ❤
