Walk around in a 3D splendid house from the ancient Pompeii

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By combining traditional archaeology with 3D technology, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have managed to reconstruct a house in Pompeii to its original state before the volcano eruption of Mount Vesuvius thousands of years ago. Unique video material has now been produced, showing their creation of a 3D model of an entire block of houses.

After the catastrophic earthquake in Italy in 1980, the Pompeii city curator invited the international research community to help document the ruin city, before the state of the finds from the volcano eruption in AD 79 would deteriorate even further. The Swedish Pompeii Project was therefore started at the Swedish Institute in Rome in 2000. The researcher in charge of the rescue operation was Anne-Marie Leander Touati, at the time director of the institute in Rome, now Professor of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at Lund University.

Since 2010, the research has been managed by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History in Lund. The project now also includes a new branch of advanced digital archaeology, with 3D models demonstrating the completed photo documentation. The city district was scanned during the field work in 2011–2012 and the first 3D models of the ruin city have now been completed. The models show what life was like for the people of Pompeii before the volcano eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The researchers have even managed to complete a detailed reconstruction of a large house, belonging to the wealthy man Caecilius Iucundus.

“By combining new technology with more traditional methods, we can describe Pompeii in greater detail and more accurately than was previously possible”, says Nicoló Dell´Unto, digital archaeologist at Lund University.

Among other things, the researchers have uncovered floor surfaces from AD 79, performed detailed studies of the building development through history, cleaned and documented three large wealthy estates, a tavern, a laundry, a bakery and several gardens. In one garden, they discovered that some of the taps to a stunning fountain were on at the time of eruption – the water was still gushing when the rain of ash and pumice fell over Pompeii.

The researchers occasionally also found completely untouched layers. In a shop were three, amazingly enough, intact windows (made out of translucent crystalline gypsum) from Ancient Rome, stacked against each other. By studying the water and sewer systems they were able to interpret the social hierarchies at the time, and see how retailers and restaurants were dependent on large wealthy families for water, and how the conditions improved towards the end, before the eruption.

An aqueduct was built in Pompeii, enabling residents to no longer having to rely on a few deep wells or the tanks of collected rainwater in large wealthy households.

The work behind the 3D film and a discussion on the credibility of the reconstructions are presented in an article, published in SCIRES Italy.

Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione and the Humanities Lab at Lund University have contributed to the development of the material and 3D work.

Article: Reconstructing the Original Splendour of the House of Caecilius Iucundus. A Complete Methodology for Virtual Archaeology Aimed at Digital Exhibition.
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Just beautiful, harmony is everywhere.


Intricately decorated and absolutely beautiful. To think this was thousands of years ago, magnificent.


I aspire to have a house that was designed 2000 years ago😍


Credit to the authors for documenting it in 3D. Sophisticated homes yet minimalist too. It is difficult to warn of erupting volcanos even today.


When you are far ahead of your time in engineering to build such beautiful homes but far behind in science to recognise not to build it next to a volcano


Thank you. Incredibly beautiful and much more tasteful than I ever imagined. This gentleman certainly had a beautiful place to live. What a sense of design!


Beautifully done! Really shows how gorgeous Pom peiians decorated their houses. I'll never forget seeing their exquisite remaining frescoes...just a wonder!


First class review, it brings it all back to life, one would be considered so lucky to have such a home as that. And the narrators voice i could listen to forever .


The art paintings on the walls is flabbergasting, no only is it not repetitive but has different elements. The diligence and artistry are unmatched by anything created today. This tells you that who ever painted this had a perfection in character that you cannot find today ! And character comes from culture and society which says a lot about today's society ruled by the conquered middle eastern tribe slaves of those ancient days.


Great job. Wish I could be there in person. I can't so I'm watching videos and re-watching "Rome". Thanks Again!


Beautiful rendition of all what is known by archeology of the aesthetics of Pompeii’s richest homes.
To add to the treasure we get a wonderful example of how to construct a multi-family home.
Versus the modern single family homes built all over the western world today.

Architects can learn from archeology the examples of common dwellings and extended multi-family homes with self sufficiency added by harvesting rain water and indoor gardening is the direction modern life should go. By doing this every ill from birth to old age is reducible to a minimum owing to extended family support or completely resolved.
This past gives me anyway, a vision for the future.


Peace.. Shalom.. Salam.. Namaste and Thank You for All that you are doing for World Peace.. 🙏🏻 😊 🌈 ✌ 🌷 ☮️ ❤️


I would like to give the university a suggestion. I don't care if I will get an answer or not. Nobody from academic world has ever had the idea of hiring a Professional game studio to make historic 3d models. I'm aware it could be quite expensive but who knows. I'm 100 percent sure they are the top qualified among entire world for such a task, that is using the most recent technology at its fullest potential possible. I mean just look doom 4. Look the amount of details and a realism achieved. If they focus such effort on 3d models the results sure would be marvelous, superb.


We have been to Pompeii and follow Dr. Steven Tuck's Great Courses lecture videos. Thank you for making this 3-D model to show our limited imaginations how splendid this house was in its day.


Very modern, minimalist, beautiful...


Yo Rome was lit back in the day. It was like Hollywood in Pompeii


Hey, can we have a 360° video of this for Virtual Reality headsets? That would be so much cooler.


Wow! This one looks like a fancy hotel!


Neat.  I was stationed at the NATO HQ in Naples during the early 60s and visited Pompeii several times.


Very nice work. Thank you for sharing.