Sniff Meaning

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The Hindi translation of "sniff" depends on the context:
To smell something by inhaling through your nose:
सूँघना (sūn̐ghnā)
This is the most general translation and can be used when you're sniffing a flower or checking if your food is spoiled.
Example: उसने फूल को सूँघा ( उसने फूल को सूंघा usne phool ko słońghā) - He sniffed the flower.

To take short, noisy breaths through your nose, often because you're trying not to cry:
सुड़कना (suṛaknā)
This translation emphasizes the noise associated with sniffing.
Example: बच्चा रोने लगा और सुड़कने लगा (baccha rone laga aur suṛakne laga) - The child started crying and sniffling.

To disapprove of something in a subtle way:
नाक से हवा खींचना (nāk se havā khīnchnā)
This is a more nuanced translation that suggests a slight air of disdain.
Example: 'आपको देर हो गई,' उसने नाक से हवा खींचकर कहा ('aapko der ho gai,' usne nāk se havā khīnchkar kahā) - "You're late," she said with a sniff.

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To a human, sniffing butts might seem strange, but for dogs, it's a super important way to communicate and gather information. Here's the scoop:

Doggy Information Booth: Those rear ends hold a wealth of info thanks to special glands. These glands release scents unique to each dog, like a doggy ID card.

Sniffing = Greeting: When a dog sniffs another dog's rear, it's like saying "hello" and exchanging information. They learn about things like:

Even where the other dog has been!
Remembering Friends: The doggy scent code helps dogs remember if they've met before. It's like bumping into an old friend and recognizing their face.

Calming Scents: Sometimes sniffing can be calming for dogs. It's a familiar behavior that can help them feel less stressed in new situations.
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