GIRLS in Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home

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Here are the 4 Female Marriage Candidates in Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home

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I’m just waiting for harvest moon to catch up to all the other great farming sims tbh. I don’t have the same fun as I use to with them anymore 😢


Mobile phone so good idea 💡 for games I enjoy play 😂3ds ds gba psp psone ps2 Gamecube wii on my phone emulator soo good 👍 ❤


Christina resembles ann
Harriet definitely karen
Jeanne is the combo of elly (being a nurse) and mary
But malika is not even closed to the spoiled popuri (except her long hair)


I played this game hoping to find popuri, but it seems it went to vain 😢.
Deleting it now cuz it doesnt work either way, only lags on for a 2gb device


been spending time with this game in more than 100 hours. I don't play in mobile but this is harvest moon. I'm a fan of back to nature and save the homeland, both were best harvestmoon games, good deal of my childhood as well. since, I played a good chunk of this game I must say, it still lacking something compared to other sims games. my recent favorite sim game is the 'my time' series. my time at portia and my time at sandrock, which I currently play both are solid sims. hopefully natsume would stop being a dick and drop a a great harvestmoon game, I mean harvestmoon was like the fore father of farming sims game.


Can i give token of love to more than 1 person?


HM? Well… Plus, when are they going to break the wall and be creative with the character design. 🙄Remove the hair and skin colour, and their faces look all the same. I didn’t finish Winds of Anthos and I don’t think I’ll be buying anymore titles ahead, till they come to the same standards as (or be better than) Story of Seasons and other good titles, in the same genre.


I'm a bit disappointed because bo harem ending but still will get Christina first. Jeanne second, third Malike and 4th Hariette
