Erciyes'in zirvesini ilk defa böyle göreceksiniz - 4K
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Bilimsel araştırmalara göre yaklaşık 2,5 milyon yıl önce başlayan ve günümüze kadar devam eden jeolojik olaylar sonucu oluşan Erciyes Dağı, Kayseri’nin 25 km güneyinde yer alan volkanik bir dağdır. Adını Roma imparatorluğu zamanında eski yunanca 'Argaios' kelimesinden alan Erciyes, Türkiye’nin en güzel ve görkemli dağlarından birisidir. Erciyes, 3.917 metre yüksekliği ile İç Anadolu’daki en yüksek dağ olup, Kapadokya antik bölgesinin zirvesi konumundadır. Kapadokya’nın bir kenarında Hasan Dağı bir kenarında da Erciyes bu eşsiz doğa harikası olan bölgeyi, adeta bulutların üzerinden bir bekçi edasıyla seyretmektedir.
Erciyes Mountain, which was formed as a result of geological events that started about 2.5 million years ago and continued until today, is a volcanic mountain located 25 km south of Kayseri. Erciyes, which took its name from the ancient Greek word 'Argaios' during the Roman Empire, is one of the most beautiful and magnificent mountains in Turkey. Erciyes is the highest mountain in Central Anatolia with a height of 3,917 meters and is the summit of the ancient region of Cappadocia. Hasan Mountain on one side of Cappadocia and Erciyes on the other side, this unique natural wonder is watching this region, almost like a guard over the clouds.
Erciyes Mountain, which was formed as a result of geological events that started about 2.5 million years ago and continued until today, is a volcanic mountain located 25 km south of Kayseri. Erciyes, which took its name from the ancient Greek word 'Argaios' during the Roman Empire, is one of the most beautiful and magnificent mountains in Turkey. Erciyes is the highest mountain in Central Anatolia with a height of 3,917 meters and is the summit of the ancient region of Cappadocia. Hasan Mountain on one side of Cappadocia and Erciyes on the other side, this unique natural wonder is watching this region, almost like a guard over the clouds.