Trump's Bad Month Just Got Even Worse (With All Due Respect - 06/21/16)

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After weeks of falling poll numbers and lingering tensions with the RNC, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump just got another piece of bad news: He lagged far behind his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in May fundraising, according to his Federal Election Commission report filed Monday. Tonight on With All Due Respect, we dive into the state of Trump's struggling campaign, Hillary Clinton's newfound momentum, and more.

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AWESOME START OF THE SHOW... Hillary as QvC's sales person. Hilarious.


Bill Clinton is not the best example of what a decent human being should be, did anybody remember this is the guy of the cigar....


I don't understand why reporters on Bloomberg do not talk about the international economy and how it is changing and how the US economy is not in the same position as it used to be years ago of being able to rely on domestic demand for growth. -- It's all part of the income inequality where greed on the top has wripped off the market (i.e. the common people) and hence has become more vulnerable to crisis economy and the success of foreign markets. -- I mean, you may be a channel for the investor, but the politics of this forms the basis of the investing environment.


Trump "panders" to his audience? Pandering is one thing. Getting up in front of an audience and flat out lying to them is another.


That joke about Trumps books ended at Chapter 11, that was some funny shit.

How can Trump run a country when he runs businesses into the ground?


Has anyone else notice how protective of Donald Trump, Mark Halperin is.Seemed very combative with Spencer Zwick


She's good at reading a telepromter!


The GOP faithful are screwed. Don't vote for Trump and have, at least 12 years of a Democrat WH. Vote for Trump and destroy the republican brand for decades to come.

Choose patience republicans. Step back, refine, reinvent yourselves and come back in 4 years for another go at the WH. Preferably with a Reagan..ish candidate, because that's the only thing that' could turn your fortunes around in this current social climate.


if you vote for hillary America is finish be smart and vote for Trump


Furthermore, I don't understand how is this discussion about freedom of speech possible. Liberals believe what they do about restricting hate speech, because there are so many historical examples of where hate speech has led to: police state, totalitarianism, civil wars, international wars. -- If you cannot back your views with facts (and I don't mean Fox News & conspriracy theory facts), then you should think twice about voicing your hatred. Liberals never say there aren't t injustices in the world, but to start blaming sections of the population for them is not rational, it is not mature and it is not intelligent. -- The influence of money on conservative extremism is a fact. I mean, the Koch brothers are there openly talking about it. And the connection between Republicans and low tax rates on the super rich is a fact. I would think that it is in the interest of American people to know whether opinion leaders are funded by billionaires is a rather important issue. It is the same thing than making the ownership of broadcasting corporations and their owners politics a matter of public record. And who should do it? Some shady private investigator as was the case Whitewater and what not. The government is tasked with upholding transparency of political funding. That is the basic idea of taking money out of politics and being transparent about it. I think both of our presidential candidates are at least in name for this principle.
