Tucker Carlson : Elizabeth Warren Has Appointed Herself the Head of the #MeSioux Movement

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Tucker Carlson : Elizabeth Warren Has Appointed Herself the Head of the #MeSioux Movement

Monday on his Fox News Channel show, host Tucker Carlson mocked Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) for coming out with a video proclaiming her Native American heritage that Carlson said doubled “as an ad for her presidential campaign.”

The “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host explained how Warren’s test results showed she was “not American Indian” at all, yet she was the self-proclaimed head of what he deemed the “#MeSioux movement.”

“Now that could make her less than one one-thousandth American Indian,” he said. “That’s roughly about as American Indian as virtually every white person you ever met, which is to say not American Indian at all. So don’t count on running into Elizabeth Warren at the next meeting of the tribes. But do count on her to keep pretending that she is somehow the spokeswoman for indigenous peoples everywhere. Warren has appointed herself the head of the #MeSioux movement.”

Warren decried those “mocking Native Americans or any group” to try to get at her, to which Carlson suggested Warren might want to consider herself as someone in that category.

“Now hold on a minute, who’s mocking Native Americans?” Carlson said. “Well if anyone is doing that, it’s Elizabeth Warren. She’s the one who has stolen their identity and leveraged their suffering to climb the greasy pole of our fake meritocracy. No high plains whiskey trader ever acted with more ruthless cynicism than she has.”


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