GAMBIT Hero Reveal | Marvel Champions | Is this one of the BEST All-Around Heroes?

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Gambit is the newest hero announced for Marvel Champions and brings an excellent mix of threat removal cards, damage dealing cards, defensive abilities and a solid Alter-Ego! This adds up to a great all-around hero that should be exciting for players, especially those who enjoy playing solo! Come hear all my thoughts!
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0:00 Overview of Gambit
1:10 Remy LeBeau (Alter-Ego)
2:49 Gambit (Hero)
4:49 The Thieves Guild
5:55 Creole Charmer
6:53 Charged Card
8:36 Royal Flush
10:12 Natural Agility
11:05 Gambit's Guild Armor
12:18 Molecular Acceleration
13:01 Rogue Ally
14:17 Operative Skill
15:07 Breaking and Entering
15:55 Stealth Strike
16:59 Mutant Education
18:00 Beauty and the Thief
19:00 Exodus Minion
19:40 Psionic Shield
20:29 Herald of Avalon
21:20 Gambit Final Thoughts
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***NOTE about "Breaking and Entering": I realized too late that the card is a regular action and can therefore be used in Alter-Ego form, adding much more interest to the card! My bad for missing that!***


I think one thing that may have been overlooked is that Creole Charmer is an “alter-ego” thwart event. Which is extremely rare so I think it’s actually more exciting because of that. Similar to Breaking and Entering
Stealth Strike is a reprint. It already exists in the game with Black Widow artwork on it and from the Black Widow pack initially.


I'm happy (albeit slightly surprised) to see LeBeau coming so soon. Of course, since they're releasing hero packs in pairs and there's been a trend of "team-up" events for most recent heroes, I'm betting this means Rogue will be the tandem release. I'm excited for both but I'm really hoping that means the next wave of packs will feature my personal favorite, Nightcrawler. His ally card is fantastic but we demand a full hero deck for the swashbuckling scoundrel.


Rogue’s mutant ability is Attribute absorption via skin-to-skin. Thematically this makes sense that her casting cost is directly related to the amount of counters she absorbs.


The one hero I’ve wanted in the game ever since Marvel Champions came out! Thanks for covering this one as always, Dylan. Can’t wait 😎


Thanks for the review. We just got Wolverine, Storm and Mojo scenery pack (all at the same time) here in Spain. Gambit is certainly interesting, hopefully he will be useful in the next campaign.


Appreciate the coverage of Stealth Strike! You mentioned that it's a good addition to Justice, but it's just a reprint of the same card from Black Widow.

The designers noted that as part of the arrangement to allow X-Men in the game, every card has to have X-Men art. So all the reprints were going to see, we'll have new art!

In this case, Wolverine in a duct versus Black Widow with a sniper rifle.


Natural Agility is insanely good as you get plus 1 for each charge counter on him where Gambit has no limit as to how many counters he may have.


I don't think you receive the charge counter from Royal Flush in time to use it to enhance Royal Flush. Throw de Card is an interrupt and so it happens before you play the event, and therefore you must pay its cost before you actually play the event it modifies. Since you haven't played Royal Flush yet, you don't have that charge counter available to power it up. I think as written, you need 3 charge counters ready to go before you use Royal Flush if you want 9 damage. It will replace one counter that you used, however. I guess that's good.

Creole Charmer being Alter Ego only is really interesting. Combining that with his thwart stat of 1, the Thieves Guild, and Breaking and Entering and the design intent seems to be: Gambit attacks, but Remy thwarts. That could almost make him less flexible in some ways. At least Breaking and Entering and Operative Skill can be used as alter-ego or hero. And yes, Breaking and Entering is only exciting because it allows Spies and Thieves to thwart from Alter-ego. Otherwise it would be strictly worse than For Justice.

Also, we shouldn't miss the fact that Thief Extraordinaire also let's you look at the top card of the Encounter deck. You must be gathering some intel while prowling the villain's lair so now you know what their plans are!

Thanks for the preview! Should we guess that Rogue will be released at the same time?!?


Hi Dylann! Well, Gambit is the hero I'm most excited about among all the released/revealed X-men! Pros:
- Different/original play style.
- Pretty exciting alter-ego (the best of all to date imo).
- Great hero ability (managing those charge counters will create interesting short/long term decisions).
- Very versatile control hero with exploding potential and great defense
- Accurate thematic implementation of the character.
- Best team-up card and best ally ever... love u Rogue!!

Totally Level God Hype!


He feels like a crazy powerful character. If he gets the right opening hand, I can see him winning in 2 turns in solo with aggression. Imagine him with honed technique.


Love the reviews… keep them coming! Quick question… I would assume when Gambit flips to Alt-Ego form, he would lose all charge counters that he had?


I’m surprised at how defensive he was designed, but he honestly looks like a blast! Like Black Widow albeit with slightly worse thwarting but with way more damage. My kinda guy, mon amis!


Anyone knows an estimated release date? :)


There has yet to be a dud with the x-men announcements / releases. I'm really excited for Gambit! I specially love heroes, like gamora, who work well in true solo!


is marvel champions an official game from Marvel? Because it says "Creole charmer" (pronounced kree-ol) but Gambit is Cajun. Creole and Cajun are two different groups. I'm curious if it's a mistake or maybe they just don't know


Looks like a good MC hero with emphasis on how well he fits into the entire series beyond XMen.
Eclipse on the other hand strikes me as filler. Consider: MC is hugely popular, sales are always super high at release and that’s not taking into account the XMen cycle. There is a lot of MC Core set out in the wild. So many customers that I would hazard to say the majority are casual; something on par with three or four games per week. Eclipse doesn’t fit with that level of gameplay. It will excite the higher level players and deck-lords but what does it do for everyone else except take up space in storage? I haven’t seen anyone clamoring for Armadillo or stuffing Hood with Badoons or The Brotherhood. Designing for only the elite gamers is a concern for me.


He looks incredibly interesting and hopefully well balanced too! Oh and FYI - Allot of people are missing the breaking and entering is and Action - its not form sepcific, so you can play it from alter-ego! Same with Operative skill.

Edit! just saw your pin!


I feel like Marvel Champions never quite clicked with me for whatever reason(although of course I’d be more than happy to be proven wrong!), but I still really enjoy watching you break down these sets.
It’s very interesting seeing the input an experienced player has with cards and mechanics I’m wildly unfamiliar with


I just order Marvel Champions. I have Arkham and LOTR but I can't interest my boyfriend into it. He's a marvel guy. So I bit it and bought and I hope I love it. Gonna order this pack just because I love Gambit. Going in totally blind
