[Walkthrough] Jotun: Valhalla Mode - Jera | No Damage

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Starting off the Valhalla mode walkthroughs with Perfect Jera. This is a fight that I initially thought was insane and nigh-on impossible due to how hard it was to get any time to damage her. However, after learning that you can hit her arms during her slam attacks and figuring out the rest of this pattern, it's actually the most consistent and calculated fight in the game. Below, I will literally write a step-by-step guide for how I defeat her, which works every time as long as you don't make any major mistakes. Prepare for quite the earful.

1. Initiate the fight and run to the second flower on the left. Then wait until her head stops moving after that little "spin" she does when emerging. That's my tell to start running on to her left arm, placing both my Loki powers and charging up a heavy attack. If you run too early, the poison sac will go off as you're waiting for her health bar to appear, and too late means you don't have time to place both Lokis and charge up a heavy attack before it's too late.

2. After landing the heavy attack, roll down to the left twice to get out of the poison sac range and charge up another heavy attack to hit her arm as she slams right next to you. After that, roll once towards her center and try to land a light attack on her arm as she slams straight down.

3. Run up and heavy attack her once on the stomach, and provided you did everything right, this should knock her down. Immediately roll out of the poison sac range and let it stop shaking before running back in, light attacking twice, then heavy attacking.

4. After the first knockdown, run straight down to the center flower. You want to try and keep the area around the flower clear of thorns, and make sure you have a path to her. You can kill a handful of thorns right away, but make sure you don't stay too long near the flowers or she'll skip her slam attack and go straight to the poison mist, followed by summoning thorns again.

5. Bait out the slam attack by moving towards her slightly, then run back to the bottom flower. If you position yourself immediately in line with (or slightly below) the flower, her slam won't hit you, despite what the shadow would indicate. Release the heavy attack just as she slams down.

6. Immediately after that, pop a Freya, rush past any thorns and pop a Thor near her, both to do damage to her and to clear out any thorns around you. Get two heavy attacks in on her stomach, knocking her down, but make sure to roll away from the poison sac right afterwards, then wait for it to stop shaking before moving back in and landing a third Thor hit on her weak point.

7. You should've hit her 50% mark, meaning she'll extend her roots, but they don't matter much. I usually take out the right root, since it can block you from landing the heavy attack on her arms, but it's really not necessary. After that, repeat what you just did. Clear out thorns, making sure to step towards her to bait out the slam attack. Land the heavy on her arms, Freya, run to stomach, Thor, hit stomach twice knocking down, wait for sac, Thor hit on weak point.

8. At this point she should be below 25%, and starting the last phase with yet another slam attack. Get back to the flower and land the heavy attack on her arms again, then Freya, run to stomach, Thor, hit stomach. At this point, you can just keep heavy attacking with Thor, and if you want to be safe, pop a Heimdallr shield or two.

That's the basic gist of it. Again, very calculated pattern, so it might take a while to get it all down, but assuming you perform everything correctly, there's very little that can mess you up in this fight. Don't forget that you have shields and Odin spears to fall back on if you need them. For example, if you heavy attack her stomach when she's supposed to be knocked out, and she isn't, just toss a spear and that should do the trick, letting you continue with the steps.

The only minor thing that can ruin the runs are the thorns. So despite playing perfectly, you may need a few tries to get good thorn luck, but you really only need to worry about the ones next to the flower and on the way to her stomach.

Let me know if there's anything that wasn't clear, or if you need more help at any part. The other fights should be a bit more "winging it" than this one.

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Рекомендации по теме

This is all I could really ask for in a guide. Thank you!


Wow, that went so quick the poison clouds didn't know when to quit at the end!


If I take damage after killing any of the bosses will I have to redo from the start (from boss no. 1) or will I just have to redo the boss I took damage on?

For Example, if i defeated all 5 Jotun and took damage on the Odin fight, will i have to do all 5 bosses again or will i stay on the Odin fight?


Nicely done 👍 I seem to get way more gas on my trys
