Dear Young Men.

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Always Laser Focus on Improving Yourself and Your Options, and stop Seeking Approval. Self Esteem is From Within not Without. Chase a cheque, never chase a chick. Let the girls chase you back after you peak in your value, when options are aplenty. Don't improve yourself to impress girls - do it to find your own fulfilment and sense of accomplishment, and then respect, adoration, money (and girls) will inevitably naturally follow. Remember, you can run out of money chasing women, but you can never run out of women chasing after money. Put YOU FIRST, and watch the world bend to your will. It is better to be treated with respect than to merely be liked. Even if people cannot demonstrably respect you, then you must be of such a calibre that they damn sure will hesitate to disrespect or disregard. Manhood is Excellence. Pursue excellence - pursue manhood. God bless you
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