Powerful Prayer to St. Vincent Ferrer | Feast Day: April 5 | Angel of the Last Judgment

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#StVincentFerrer #StVincentFerrerNovena #prisoners #ConstructionWorkers
FEAST DAY: April 5
PATRON SAINT OF: Archdiocese of Valencia, Valencia, Catalonia, France, Spain, Cabuyao Laguna, Philippines Leganes, Iloilo, Philippines, Builders, Prisoners, Construction workers, Plumbers, Fishermen, Spanish orphanages

My most glorious father Saint Vincent, my most loving benefactor, convinced of the glory and power that you enjoy before God, and that you exercise on behalf of all your true devotees, and animated also with great confidence in your powerful patronage:

I humbly kneel before your holy image, like a son before his loving father, like a poor vassal before his generous king, like an afflicted patient before his compassionate physician. See me here kneeling at your blessed feet, full of sorrow and sadness, sickness and misery, indeed, full of all kinds of needs of both soul and body. To you I recourse with all my faith and with confidence so that you may deign to heal me, removing from me my anguishes and granting me the favors that I ask of you.

Help me, therefore, my powerful and clement Holy one; heal me of the ailments that afflict me; obtain for me from God the grace to convert wholeheartedly to Him and to serve Him to death; comfort me and encourage me in all my works with your holy assistance; deliver me from all dangers that surround me everywhere, and preserve me always in the health of soul and body that I need so that, in this way, I may be able to fulfill the divine commandments and obligations of my own state, and may also continue to honor you with a fervent devotion and with all my most tender gratitude for your kindness and goodness, being as a true father for me.

Listen to me, my Holy One, graciously accepting my cries and, by granting me the favors that I ask of you and which I wait for, grant me also the great bliss of imitating you in your precious virtues, especially in love to Jesus Christ, our Divine Redeemer, in charity towards my neighbours, in the mortification of my senses, in tender and constant devotion to our most beloved Mother, the Most Holy Virgin of the Rosary, and, finally, in the continuous meditation of my death and of the tremendous day of judgment. So be it. Amen

Pray three Our Fathers, Hail Mary's and Glorias for all the necessities of the devotees of Saint Vincent Ferrer

O Glorious apostle and thaumaturge, St. Vincent Ferrer, the new angel of the Apocalypse and our protector, accept our humble prayer and bring down upon us the abundance of divine favors. By that charity which animated thy heart, obtain for us from the Father of all mercy the pardon of our sins, steadfastness in the faith, perseverance in good works; so that living a fervent Christian life, we may deserve thy powerful patronage.

Extend that patronage even to our bodies, and free them from infirmity. Preserve our fields from the damages of storm and hail, and keep off all misfortune. Thus favored by Thee with blessings in soul and body, we shall ever be thy devout clients, and one day with thee praise God in heaven, world without end. Amen.

Prayer for a Happy Death
Lord Jesus Christ, Who willest that no man should perish, and to Whom supplication is never made without the hope of mercy, for Thou saidst with Thine Own holy and blessed lips:

“All things whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, shall be done unto you”; I ask of Thee, O Lord, for Thy holy Name’s sake, to grant me at the hour of my death full consciousness and the power of speech, sincere contrition for my sins, true faith, firm hope and perfect charity, that I may be able to say unto Thee with a clean heart:
Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O God of truth, Who art blessed for ever and ever.

Saint Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.

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St.Vincent Ferrer, please heal my body and soul🙏🙏🙏


San Vicente Ferrer
tabangi ntawon ko sa akong mga problema sa finsncial difficulties
hatagi ntawon ko ug kaayohan sa akong sakit sa lawas ug kalag
hatagi akong grasya nga makabayad ako sa tanan nakong mga utang ug makapalit ako ug pagka-on ug sa kada adlaw namo nga kinahanglanon uban sa akong pamilya
i- ampo ako sa atong GINOO nga ihatag niua ang akong gipangayo
hinaut oa unta


St. Vincent Ferrer have merçy on my aged mother please touch and héal her and all the sick. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen 🙏🙏🙏


Saint vicente ferrer heal my sister pray for us


St. Vincent Ferrer, please help me and my whole family, and also, please pray for us as a sinners. Please intercede for me with Jesus Christ, our Lord, to help me and grant my prayers, intentions, petitions, and pleas. I'm praying for our financial difficulties, especially to our huge debts. Please touch our finances and have financial breakthroughs and help us to solve our financial problems. Please help me and remove all my worries, difficulties and all our huge debts. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and through the intercession of Holy Mother Mary and all the Angels and Saints together with the Holy Spirit, especially your holy name St. Vincent Ferrer, thank you so much, Amen 🙏.


St. Vincent Ferrer pls. Alleviate our sufferings of our ailments through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen🙏


St vincent ferrer heal me remove all the pain of my body..Amen🙏


Saint Vincent please removed all my worries my sickness, my debts...please pray for me oh saint Vincent im sorry for all my sins i always dream of you saint Vincent please help me oh Lord ..thank you saint Vincent amen🙏🙏🙏❤️


St. Vincent Ferrer please hear my prayer.


St Vincent ferrer please help me and my whole family


St. Vincent Ferrer, please pray for us. Thank you ❤️


St.vincent ferrer heal me daughter niña jane... Aspacio she sick... protect my family always... amen


Please vontinue praying fir the complete healing of my girls, dear St. Vincent Ferrer. Grant that we will find a new home we can call our iwn. Amen


Praying for protection of my house which was dedicated to Mary Mother of God in November 2012.
St Vincent Ferrer, pray for us and for all who invoke your intercession. Amen


Saint Vincent Ferrera , pray for us so we can obtain the blessing from our Lord Jesus Christ granted to us. ❤🙏🙏🙏.


Saint Vincent Ferrera pray for us the Children of God to help us possess the qualities your have while you were on earth, and to serve our Lord Jesus with faithfulness of heart. 🙏🙏🙏.



St Vincent ferer please help me my familys I need receive goodnews today august 27 amen🙏🙏🙏


St Vincent Ferrer, pray for us, , deliver me away from any harm and protect me and my children, specially My son Paolo, keep us safe, and bless us and receive grace wishes, to go home next year healthy/ wealthy to celebrate your feast day abundsntly. Amen


Saint Vincent Ferrer pray for us for our earthly needs and Spiritual growth, as we pray for healing of Body and Soul heal what is sick in us, mend what is broken, strengthen what is weak and restore a deeper love in us for our Lord Jesus Christ.🙏🙏.



Saint vincent ferrer hear my prayer n petition i know you are alwsys there for me St.Vincebt ferrer by the power of your spirit grand my petition by the power of your healing power heal me in jesus name i pray amen.
