Building Twitter Clone from Scratch | End-to-End Coding Project 2023 | Scaler Open Source Initiative

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🔹 TypeScript
TypeScript is a Javascript superset tool that enhances the capabilities of JavaScript. It finds applications in both client side and server side execution.
🔹 Nest Framework
We at Scaler will be bringing you more end-to-end programming projects to help you gain more insight.
The following topics are covered in this video 👇🏼
0:00 - Introduction
0:14 - Product requirement
17:30 - Adding the skeleton/ dummy controller and adding branches
32:16 - Adding Database
43:56 - Creating an entity inheritance
1:01:11 - Important points for generating API
1:16:52 - Building the user repository and building the backend
2:19:40 - Creating an updated user function
2:30:06 - Running the password/ creating a new entity
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