Demystified S1E1 - Distribution Part 1

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How do I get funding for my feature film? How do I get distribution for my film? Do I need a name actor in my film? How do I make my film's money back? Demystified is a series aimed at finding answers to questions like these, the aspects of indie filmmaking that are rarely seen and seldom talked about.

For episode 1, we're starting at the end with distribution.

Theme music composed by Patrick Patrikios.
Special thanks to Jared Grove for helping us out in a pinch.
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I was fully ready to binge watch this entire series—until I learned this was the only episode up. I can’t wait to see more! This is the exact sort of content that I want to see.


Love the concept! Already sent the link to friends who teach in the film departments at Baylor and DePaul in case they have students interested in how the sausage gets made. One thought, though: probably a good idea to explain to the viewer the differences between a sales agent and a distributor. Can be a make-or-break difference for some people since they are two different but interwoven jobs.


10:05 "Drama + Cast = maybe a possibility. Drama minus cast = maybe a film that your mom will watch but that's it." Love it!


This two part AFM video is sooo helpful. I am in post on my first feature, an action comedy. We kept the budget down to 85K. So I'm so hopeful we'll make the money back. Thank you all for posting this experience and knowledge. God Bless..


This was a very entertaining BTS look at what it is like at AFM. I am looking forward to watching more!


Love the first episode and yes, the audio could be better. Lots of memories came rushing back watching this. We did the whole AFM drill five years ago. Every offer was an insult to our intelligence. The distribs who watched our screener and actually followed up, did not offer any money up front, then we read the fine print. There was no guarantee that any profits would ever trickle down to us thanks to the infamous creative accounting. If we'd signed, it would been the same as giving away our film. Then, one of those distributors actually pirated our screener and sold the rights overseas! I'm still trying to get Amazon UK to remove the listing. Making your first film is hard. It's also hugely satisfying. But seeking distribution is relentlessly soul-killing.


This was absolutely amazing!
The only thing I'd suggest is making subtitles for the episodes as I often couldn't understand certain parts due to the loud background noise.


Good stuff! I was at AFM this year, mainly just to learn as well (although I did have a film to sell). This is great insight (plus. Matt Sorvillo is a friend of mine, so great to see him and his work)!


great stuff. I learned the same way after attending multiple film markets - Cannes, EFM, AFM.


absolutely fantastic many thanks for doing this


Wish this would have been available 20 years ago when I was a foolish young filmmaker. Great info. Thank you for sharing this!


@8:23 Hey, there's Tom Malloy in the background! I bought his book "Bankrolled" and his course thru Jason Brubaker's website!


American Used Car Salesman Market, er, American Film Market, that's right. Never had much luck financing features there. The money is elsewhere. And not in CA, either.
Great effort with this doc.


Is it a drama? any names? - prepares shot


Thank you! that is good information! I'm sitting on a feature I made, but I don't have distribution.


Thank you for creating this enlightening series. Look forward to the next video. I've shared this with a few other filmmaking buddies of mine. Incredibly helpful information as I'm finishing post production on my debut feature film which although has no names, is luckily a British spy thriller following an undercover police agent. You can find a teaser for it on my channel. Would love to hear what you guys think.


Rad episode! I made a movie for $150 but it has licensing issues.


Anyone have a link to the podcast? I can't find it on iTunes


That's awesome, y'all drove an RV to LA for AFM? Oh never mind, just said that you flew there, lol


No-profit tips:

1) Next time, you should show your Official Trailer on an iPad w/ fabulous headphones, and you should use a better mic (e.g., lavalier) to record the interviews. The guy at 16:10 is making a funny comment before watching your trailer. I'll translate the word for you! In LA means: why are you showing me this important film for you on the smartphone. It is a movie, DUDE! The guy was talking like he just read a book on distribution ;-)

2) I work with LA people who are friendly, good looking, and full of compliments but also a little fake at the end. It's straightforward! Do you like my movie?! Do you think I can make some money back? Yes! So buy it, and I'll sign the contact w/ the help of an entertainment lawyer!!!

3) Case Study (Souvenirs): $300K budget plus the distribution needs to spend money on marketing strategy for your film! Probably around 5M (e.g., billboards) if they believe in your movie. So, in the end, you need to make 10M and 600K at least in the theater to go even. But, you still have the seven window distributions.

Or, you can sell to Netflix for 5M, but you need to win a big festival (Sundance, Berlin, Toronto, Cannes, Venice, etc.), and with the money, you'll make the next film for 5 million or less.

Don't give up your dreams! You should make the movie you love, build your networking, and the money will come (e.g., crowdfunding). Or, you'll become a professor in production and films like me.

Good luck,

Alex S.
