Everything You Need To Know About Arduino

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Ben teaches you everything you need to know to start using Arduino microcontrollers in your projects

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WOW! Radio Shack and Lafayette is resurrected! For many years there was no fun in electronics as it is now on the web and Youtube. You guys have your cake and eat it too! At 70 I'm not so inclined to play but what a great time for new generations to
develop technologies for the future! Wish I was a kid


Love that bit at 7 mins "want to learn more, there are plenty arduino how to's all over the internet" LMAO. That i like saying
(you) "Uhhh, yeah sure, I guess"
(me) "WELL GO TO THE LIBRARY JARHEAD!"  *smiles and gives thumbs up*


Note: Changing PWM affects the duration in which the pulse is high (i.e. the % of the time that it is on per pulse), not the "speed" or frequency, as that stays the same.


Given this explanation, what you really got described to you was a perfect square wave. This is where the load instantly jumps between two levels without having smooth edges.

When we're talking about PWM we usually call it a square wave because that's what we're aiming for, but in reality it doesn't really have square corners even though it gets pretty close.

If you have a good old analog oscilloscope this is pretty fun tp watch. Just plug the reference to ground and the probe to a PWM output.


That advert/interruption for the Raspberry Pi in the MIDDLE of your Arduino 101 was really crass.


An excellent video to whet the appetite for Aquino. Very professional graphics . I look forward to seeing more.


In this instance, they do the same thing, but i did mean duty cycle. pulse width doesnt' change anything if the on and off time remain the same, the key is the change the proportion of on and off. Changing pulse width doesn't do anything if the off time changes with it. Same thing with frequency. The key is to change the duty cycle, then regardless of frequency, or pulse width, u get desired effect. Just happens in this case it's the same thing, as u change pulse width u also change duty cycle.


Oh ben heck. Every time I find a new hobby you always have a video to better inform me. Thank you for being so diverse. 


Ben cautions against taking on tasks that will consume more time than they are "worth".  What he neglects to consider is the educational value.  Because we must crawl before we walk, and walk before we run, taking on simple tasks that may not make short-term economic sense can pay off down the road, when you come to a big project.  The kind of project that you could only tackle because of what you have learned on the easier ones.


With a constant-frequency PWM, the most common, pulse width is directly proportional to duty cycle. OP is right, it's the duty cycle that really matters: 50% duty cycle generally corresponds to 50% "power" or "output", whatever that may mean.


I would love to get an Arduino, but he does this so effortlessly that it makes my head spin. I recon it would take about 50 hours of trouble shooting, with mostly trouble to do anything I would like to. Mad props for anyone who programmed their own 3d printer.


What do you think a duty cycle is? It's a cycle of oscillation that occurs at a frequency. In your case, PWM has a frequency that is caused by the duty cycle %. If you know about unsigned integers, you'd know that whether you have AC or DC output, the voltage output during a cycle always goes into + and - side of the wave.


Just a clarification: The PWM does NOT change the SPEED AKA does NOT change the FREQUENCY. Rather, during the PWM (square wave cycle) the pulse stays HIGH longer to increase the brightness, or stays LOW longer to decrease the brightness, all while maintaining the same frequency. 


Amp (short for Ampere): The amount of electric charge passing a point in an electric circuit per unit of time
Volt: The difference in electric potential across a wire when an electric current of one ampere dissipates one watt of power
Watt: The rate of energy conversion or transfer
W (wattage) = V (voltage) * A (amperage)
Therefore, if your USB wall charger outputs 5V at 2A, it would be 10W. It would only be 5W if it were also 1A, as USB is always 5V +/- .25V

Hope this helps!


No. DC (Direct Current) is when you only have electrons flowing in one direction and AC (Alternating Current) is when they alternate between the two directions (or in layman terms, alternates between + and -).


It was pretty much one of the only things I asked for. Last year I asked for (and received) a TI-84.


I hear you on that pinball machine! I've been working off and on on one myself for years but always ran into some sort of brick wall that stopped my efforts. I finally went the lego route, and figured out how to use Photoresistors as switches and how to operate a stepper motor. All this is interfaced with an old laptop that isn't used for anything, through the parallel port programmed via PDS (QBX) in straight DOS. I'm just waiting for my 2N3904's to come in so I can make my H-Bridge.


the rpi ad actually reminded me to check on the status of my pi in compiling openfst, it's now been 4 hours and still going, ended up having to use a 4GB swap partition on my external hdd to get it going past the first 3 files


There's nothing to understand about it other than DC is a representation of AC that hops between + and - side of the wave. Its not necessarily just on or off. You're hopping between + and - regardless of duty cycle percentage. This is what DC does, it jumps across the equilibrium of a wave as where AC is continuous like a bi-directional slide. DC is AC without all the values in-between but you can step the DC cycles to mimic an AC wave. Based on duty cycle percentage, your DC wave can be + or -


Also, the 120V outlets are AC (alternating current), in which the flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction, while the 5V USB charger would output DC (direct current), in which the flow of electric charge is only in one direction.

Sources for all: my memory, Wikipedia
