The food deserts of Memphis: inside America's hunger capital | Divided Cities
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In the 'food deserts' of Memphis, Tennessee, dominated by fast food outlets and convenience stores, locals lack what seems a basic human right in the richer half of the city: a supermarket. With a big gap in life expectancy, are these Americans doomed to die younger than their neighbours – or can they fight for their right to nutrition?
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#FoodDeserts #Memphis #DividedCities #Tennessee #USA #HungerCapital
The Guardian YouTube network:
#FoodDeserts #Memphis #DividedCities #Tennessee #USA #HungerCapital
The food deserts of Memphis: inside America's hunger capital | Divided Cities
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Intersections - Food Deserts
Food deserts versus a food apartheid.
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The food deserts of Memphis / Desert Survival- Food & Water
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