Richard III Documentary Wonderful or Wicked?

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Richard III Documentary. There are many accounts today that highlight the life of Richard, some good some bad. Some by Richard himself. However, a controversy was never far behind the man, his true character and motivation come from a partisan collection of many later writers who had no insight or had even met him in life. In this documentary, we discover the truth behind the man, the Duke and the King. As we look at the life of Richard III

Richard III Timestamps
0:00 Early Life
3:01 Marriage & Family
6:06 Reign of Edward IV
12:27 Lord Protector
15:25 King of England
18:39 Battle of Bosworth
21:23 Legacy

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This was a refreshing change from the usual Richard III docs that mostly concentrate on the issue of the murder of the princes. Retelling his story from his actions throughout his life gives a more balanced picture of this complex personality.


He seemed a fair and thoughtful king. Though he is depicted as evil, I think that's just to detract from his goodness as a king. The true trail he left speaks of his true nature.


I visited Middleham today and saw the white statue of Richard briefly shown in the video. A much maligned King in my opinion. His tyranny, if you can call it that stemmed probably from his insecurity of his status as King even though Parliament had voted for his rule. For me he had always been loyal to Edward IV, revered him as a hero and loved his nephews. I just can't see him having murdered his nephews, otherwise he would have produced their bodies and his rule would have been more secure. I don't think he had a clue what happened to them, hence this sword of Damocles hanging over his head. Henry Tudor had his problems with 2 pretenders claiming the throne too. I wouldn't be surprised if Margaret Beaufort, Henry's mother, had something to do with the Princes' death: she was at court all during Henry's exile and would have done anything for Henry to be King, even perhaps murdering the princes (even though they had been declared bastards) to ensure his accession. Great video, thanks.👍


I don´t think Richard was happy, when his brother passed away, leaving a 12 year old son who is not old enough to make the right decisions .
Maybe there was no other way to take the throne .I´m sure he didn´t murdered the princes, because he was always loyal to his brother, he
even cared about the children of his brother George, who had a better claim that himself to the throne...


It amazes me how you can sum up the interesting lives of historically important people Jon, bringing them to life in less than half an hour.
I'm transported to a different era, yet I feel like I understand what moved them, like they are my contemporaries. Thank you!


I never did like Richard III, because of his treatment and most likely, murder of the princes in the Tower of London. But however I still learned a lot about this particular man today, more than what I expected. Thank you, Jon, for this most interesting and educational video! Although the mysterious disappearance of the princes still haunts me greatly!


Great video Jon. Funnily enough we visited York last Thursday September 16th and went into the Minster for the first time (we have been to the city before). So much history which I love. Alison


Thank you for this video. I personally have always been on the side of Richard III. Maybe I have northerner blood 🤔 somewhere in my history (born in Australia 🇦🇺). I felt he didn't have the princes killed. For some reason I feel henry's mother was more likely, again without proof. Funny how one can instantly like or dislike a person from childhood.


absolutely wonderful! i was very interested to learn about his efforts towards a just legal system ... new info for me! 👍😊


Brilliant video thank you I really think he didn't kill his nephews


We don´ t know if the boys left the Tower or not. Hastings together with Morton and Rotherham were plotting behind Richard´s back, even Polydor Vergil wrote that even before Richard arrived in London, Lord Hastings ‘called together unto Paul’s church such friends as he knew to be right careful for the life, dignity, and estate of prince Edward, and conferred with them what best was to be done’. It´s not 100 % clear that Hastings was executed immediately. Some sources say he was imprisoned and beheaded week later. Thomas More was 5 years old and all he knew came from Morton. Definitely not unbiased then. Besides his book about Richard III wasn´t biography, it was more allegory or rhetorical exercises, never finished, thus it can´t be source of any facts. Lord Stanley most likely didn´t attend the meeting, he is not mentioned in the first records. Buckingham´s effort to install Edward or Henry seems to be a bit weird. Why would he want to be Nr.2 to those if he already was Nr.2 with Richard? Richard gave him everything. Richard knew about Henry Percy´s non-participation in battle before. Percy was there but didn´t engaged in the battle. He also knew that Stanleys were unpredictable (i.e. they never fight before the winner is clear). Richard was popular among common people because of his sense of justice. Often he decided dispute in a favour of them against the rich and mighty. It cost him his life at Bosworth. I like this video, you really tried to be impartial which is refreshing,


Is John Howard related to Catherine Howard?


Richard kind of look like Henry the seventh in that thundernail.


Richard the Prince who was Promised

Just like Raeghar Targaryen, his story was warped by those who defeated him

Raeghar Targaryen
Seen as a kidnapper, rapist, son of a tyrant, born of incest - his story was all but rewritten

Yet - those who knew him said he loved to sing
Loved to be amongst the people
Was loved by all who looked upon him
A future king whom all would love

Richard III of noble birth, a warrior and just
Despite his birth defect, he was renown for his skills with the sword and horse; having had put down rebellion in Ireland and the north.

He only wanted to fulfill his brother’s will, but was forced to take tragic actions to ensure that will was carried out - to the point he may have lost track of the original goal or even saw there was no point in wanting till his nephew was of age as long as his in laws were in power.


It would really set the cat amongst the pigeons if DNA tests, similar to those carried out on Richard 111 were done on the two skeletons found buried under stairs in the tower in 1674 were ever carried out and proved not to be the two Princes.
Permission has always been refused for further tests to be carried out, citing letting them rest in peace, but I wonder if part of the reason is that they might prove not to be the two Princes.?


Superb as always Jon, Shakespeare and Sir Thomas more made Richard out to be deformed and some kind of monster, he was no worse than any other monarch of those times, Tudor propaganda would have you believe he had his nephews murderd that is a possibility, but Henry and his mother are also suspects,


His 2 nephews disappeared after he lodged them in the Tower “for their own safety” he claimed.. Oh and he became king! What a surprise?


As we now no he didnt kill the princes all thanks to phillipa langly may she be praised tryanny from the tudors they shud nevr hav ruled they wer the userpers, who needed enemies with them in power😠
