Super EASY 2 Chord Songs | Guitar for Beginners

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Video Chapters
00:00 Playing your first song ever
01:30 Easy Song - Dance the Night Away by the Mavericks
02:23 How to practice your first song
04:00 Easy beginner songs

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Hey beginners, this guy up there on display... is really good with teaching... stick with him.. he can turn you from a 0 chord guy to John Mayer guy...


this course is ridiculously amazing for people like me with unreasonably short attention spans


Justin.. I think you’re a big reason why I got so far along with guitar as I did. I haven’t picked up a guitar in over six months because of depression and I’m just picking it up tonight to see you have a whole lot of new videos. And the part where you said “if it was easy anybody would be doing it but you’re special because you stuck with it” hit my heart, I just want to stick with it. Thank you


Horse with no name - America. A simple 2 chord song but it can sound good & tuneful. First one i learnt.


I like how apologetic he is for charging for the app 😂

Like he should do everything completely for free
Explaining the cost of royalties etc

Really decent guy to be fair


Playing any chord at first is tough and can be sore on the fingers, but, stick at it! I've been there and I've been watching the videos for a few years now. It's all worth it!!


I’ve practiced more in the last 2 weeks than ever before and I’ve had my guitar for about 6 years. Thanks for all the help and motivation!!


If you guys need any more encouragement - I learned almost entirely online for the first two years of my playing through Justin, and now play "professionally". Stick with him.


Dude I've been following you for years now... I started your lessons back in 2013 and I started to get really far... And then I stopped because I started working at a major cell phone company and the job over the last 8 years has driven me insane... I've been out on company paid leave dealing with stress, anxiety and depression and I recently came across my vintage 1986 Westone Dimension IV guitar and I came back to your lessons and I can't tell you how much more life your lessons have brought me... Grunge, punk, thrash metal is my Sanctum Santorum... Thank you for taking the time out of your life to help others like myself, ignite or reignite the flame you rock bro 💯🤘🏾


these videos are old and i doubt you'll see this, but i just want to thank you for these video. I got guitar lessons in person for months and the things you started with like switching chords and strumming were never covered in months of lessons and felt like it was just a ton of theory with no purpose. Your lessons have revived my enjoyment in learning guitar and also save me a ton of time and money as well. Seriously thank you so much.


I'd always been told it was impossible to learn guitar, or any instrument really, without going to in-person lessons. With these videos, and a couple other resources (mainly a left handed chord book), I've gone from absolutely no skill or knowledge of how to play, to understanding the basics, and being able to make some nice sounds. Every time I pick up my guitar and watch a few of these videos, I feel like I actually get a little bit better.

Thank you for this amazing resource, it makes things so simple and much less intimidating than it always seemed in the past.


So far, I've been playing for 4 days, maybe a bit too much, on a £20 acoustic guitar with extremely tough notes to hold on the first 3 frets and I am loving it despite the pain, I have played at least 4 or 5 hours everyday, and can hit 45 chord changes in minute although they don't sound great, you've probably heard this before Justin but you are a fantasy teacher, you are the reason for my high motivation and sudden passion for guitar, I thank you very much for teaching freely. You are the best


Hey Justin, thanks for teaching from India


I've been watching your videos so long that I hear the chord names instead of lyrics and yet I still love coming back to these "beginner" lessons to see what else I can learn! Thank you for these videos and the impact you've had on my playing!


In 2022 i won a Les Paul at my neighbours musical expo and unfortunately i didnt know how to play. That winter i played around with it and then gave it. 2023/24 im using a acoustic guitar to learn and my neighbour recommend you. Now i feel i can learn and making progress and i do have goal to reach for the summer which i feel i can reach it. Your teaching is the kind that i need. Thank you.


I tried to learn on acoustic years ago but my fingers got so sore and the guitar never ever stayed in tune. At the time I was unemployed and couldn't afford another guitar, so I got rather discouraged and gave up (it was in the late 80s/early 90s when all guitars were rather expensive). Justin's given me new hope to play, but this time around I will learn on electric rather than acoustic. You can tell that Justin's really been there, through the downs & ups of learning it himself, and he's humble and doesn't talk down to you. Just the right guy to learn from.


Another 2 chord song is Buffalo Run by Orville Peck, really happy that I can (shoddily) play that now, it’s a lot of fun.


Justin's mocking voice like "god i cant even change the chords" always makes me chuckle 😂😂

Thanks for being my teacher 😄


The guitar is a relatively hard instrument since you need to physically construct notes with your left hand and play them with the right. The notes are already physically there with the piano and thus have two hands to simply play. It's understandable people can be discouraged working just to construct the notes but the effort is worth it for the feeling of being part of the instrument. Nice video. The violin is in a sense tougher having no frets to guide the position of the notes. :)


I can clearly see an effort in justin's eye, you are so kind that you have given an option to those who cant effort to buy an app, this guy is amazing, those who can effort must take app subscribe, for sure I will do soon inshallah.
