How To Make a Pokemon Region

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My region is based in china and the legendary is a ghost dragon type because of Chinese culture and beliefs


My drawing could never do my vision justice, but I have a detailed written plan for the geography, lore, culture, cities, characters and some of the Pokémon and story of a region based on Iran. I’m half-Iranian and I designed it as a tribute to all the positives of the country. Though I’m much more focused on the worldbuilding and characters than things like stats and gameplay, I think it would make a very enjoyable fan game if I only had the skills or help to make it.


My first world was based on a shrunk down version of the Swiss alps, with English, French, German, Welsh, Mediterranean and Norse themed towns.

The international PokéVision World Pokémon Tournament is watched by millions and you can audition to get accepted on professional Pokémon trainer teams too


Omg your video's give me so much inspiration on what i want my region to be like.
Tbh you deserve more subscribers.


Great video! I've been creating a fakemon region off my home state since I was 10 at least. I'm 21 now, haven't worked on the region in years (it had over 100 fakemon when I left it) but my spark for it has been re-lit. I decided that most of my fakemon were uninspired. None of it stuck to a theme. So, I decided to restart from scratch. Gym leaders, starter pokemon, everything. My state isn't one of the most well-known ones. I get surprised when it's mentioned in a tv show or movie. That being said, there's not much that people would probably know about my state besides some stereotypes and that it's cold. However, I wanted to make a region off of it because maybe it would get people to look more into the place. I will say, I maybe didn't pick the best towns and cities for the region. I chose the ones I'm familiar with best. There's only a hand full of places up here that really stand out and I wanted to keep it close to home. I'm gonna keep tinkering around with everything until it feels right.


My region is called the Ashkian/Ashkia region. I even made an evil team(Team Dragoon)who wants to collect the strongest dragon types in order to rule the world, and defeat anyone who tries to stop them. They even have a Dragon Type Legendary Pokemon. I named all of the towns, and city IEW off of past Pokemon games, except for the starting town, and the city with the Elite 4.(Elite City). It’s not based off of any particular country, its just a bunch of Pokemon that I made. I even designed the region! I am also currently in the process of making a USA based region.


Thanks for the video. I enjoyed it!

Question: Would you make a video that goes deeper into building the cities/towns in your region and how to best layout those towns into the projected region map? That'd be something I'm interested in seeing.


I wish i could make a game for my region...


I like how they base regions off of real places, one of the many reasons i love Gen 6 more than any other


My region is based on Ireland and there is a mischief nature legendary which pulls pranks on humans by changing the nature around them but an evil team is obsessed with controlling the world in anyway they can like weather (They’re called team weather) and realising that the legendary can change the nature they try and kidnap it, so before you fight the elite 4 you have to stop team weather (and the legendary because the battlefield in the elite 4 is covered in poison ivy)


I just finished a region of mine based off of Italy. Now I’m ready to make another one, with the help of your video. It might be based on China, and the legendaries (not box legendaries ) are based on the four symbols. That’s all I got so far


My region is based in Puerto Rico and the legendary pokemon are based of 3 taino gods which are Atabey, yocahu, & jurakan 😁
Water/ Flying/ thunder/


I kind of wanna make a region on another planet with cool weird geography but I have absolutely no idea how I'd go about it or how I'd form a story that makes sense to tie in it with pokemon 😅😅


To be honest, I kind of make my regions like you do. I based my region on a sort of... Normal area with towns and stuff. Then I based another on a cold and snowy place. This still helps though! Thank you!!


Here’s my idea: it takes place in a few separate locations that are mythical locations like Mt. Olympus and Atlantis. The evil team is Team Mythology trying to unlock the power of all mythical Pokemon. Just my basic idea.


Great tutorial for Pixelmon cities and regions. Helps making legendary hunting more fun when you aren't just on a flat plane and you have a huge city in every biome


Fantastic video! :) Thank you for all of this information, I love how detailed your explanations are (they're very helpful as I'm in the process of creating my own pokémon game!).


This is a great tutorial, thanks so much!


I already have so much planned out for my region except for the map since my region isn’t actually based on a real location and it has different cultures mixed together.


I'm making a region based on the ice age i got inspiration from the kaskade region but I will be calling it the deladar region more than half of the area will be covered in snow and the other with cold temperature but no snow and a volcano in the far right corner
