Calculating SPEI Using SPEI Program | SPEI | Standardized precipitaion Evapotranspiration Index |

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Calculating SPEI Using SPEI Program | SPEI | Standardized precipitation Evapotranspiration Index |

In this video, you'll know the easiest way to calculate SPEI values. If you have any queries, let me know. Stay tuned. Thank you.

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much
Please we want to calculate the drought of Palmer


Hi, SPEI values in the result of this method and the R application are different, what is the reason?


Hi sir, where can i download the exe file


Thank you for the video. How is spei.exe installed? I have tried to download SPEI, but my computer cannot read its setup with .exe extension.


you should have given the spei.exe tool link in the description. Everyone is having problem accessing the tool.


Thanks for your video. Is your data for a region? can we give the longitude and latitude values to select a point as 22.7 40 in xy.txt file?


Thank for your valuable video. But it does not work for me it says, 'spei' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


Hello brother
How do I download SPEI
