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Most repeated MCQS IN PPSC
Most repeated MCQS IN PPSC
PPSC Most repeated MCQs
PPSC Past Papers
Most repeated MCQS IN PPSC
What is Moon? Satellite
Charge on Neutron? Neutral
Current flow means? Flow of electron
What is freezing point of Water? 0C
When Muslim league come into being? 1906
First president of Pakistan Muslim League? Ch. Khaliquzzaman (1949)
Which melts in room temperature? Mercury
Who is the chairman of Senate of Pakistan? Raza Rabbani
What is Soap? Salt
What type of gas in electric bulb? None of these(use Argon, neon etc)
Who is Saudia King? Salman
Who put martial law in 1977? Zia ul Ha
Who abrogated constitution in 1958 and put martial law? Sikandar Mirza
Who is chancellor of Germany? Angela Markel
Second prime minister of Pakistan? Nazim ud din
Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A? Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam
Zakat obliged in ? 2.A.H
Battle of Trench? 5 Hijri
Australia Capital? Canbera
Who accompanied in Hijrat to Hazrat Muhammat PBUH? Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A
Evolution means? Continuous
Zamzam means? Stop flowing
After one unit in 1955 who become Chief minister of West Pakistan? Dr Khan Sahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)
In 1946 ministry of finance to? Liaquat Ali Khan
Simon Commission report in year of ? 1930
Capital change to Delhi from Culcutta in? 1911
Dry ice? Solid Carbon dioxide
Indus Basin Treaty ? 1960
Sheetan ko pebble kaha marty? Muzdalfa
ILO? International Labour Organization
Kashghar is in ? China
Pakistan and China connect with? Khunjrab Pass
Lolyd Muhammaden authored by? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Hormuz lies between? Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf
Who abolished one unit? Yahya khan
Jaliawala Bagh Massacre at? Amrster 1919
Sindh separated ? Govt of India Act 1935
After 1946 election the CM of NWFP? Dr. Khan Sahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)
Which is landlocked country? Nepal
P.M of Iraq? Haider al abidi
New name of Burma? Myanmar
Pakistan and India boundary line? Radcliff
Thickest layer of earth?Mantle
Income tax rate is 10% if tax deducted is 1500 what will be the income? 15000
1,2,4,7,11,16,22……… ? 29
A boy purchase pen for Rs.80 and sold for 40? Loss Rs. 40
A men purchase book of 440 and sold in 400? Loss 40
CNG? Compressed Natural Gas
Quran Pak completed in? 23 years
Janat Ul Baqi? Madina
Daily wages of worker is 200 increased by 10%? 220
Hexagon ? Six sided
More elastic? Steel
Diamond is the form of? Carbon
1st constitution assembly dissolved by? Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad
Montague Chelmsford reforms? 1919
Blood is cleaned by? Liver
Baqrah surah means? Cow
4cm square area? 16cm2
3% of 2000? 60
If 16 men complete work in 10 days how much days required completing work by 8 men? 20 days.
If 45% students fail and 550 pass total number of students? 1000
Four side equal ? Square
Animals Who kill other for food is called ? Predator
Jaddah seaport is on? Red sea
All that glitters is not Gold.
Glance at
Insensible to
Temperate in
Living on
No one took care…. Died
He said good bye to his father
Elephant belongs to my sister and me.
Between 200-300 A.H 6 Hadith books were written.
SAARC has 8 members.
Rats and mice killed by rohtendecides
Most repeated MCQS IN PPSC
PPSC Most repeated MCQs
PPSC Past Papers
Most repeated MCQS IN PPSC
What is Moon? Satellite
Charge on Neutron? Neutral
Current flow means? Flow of electron
What is freezing point of Water? 0C
When Muslim league come into being? 1906
First president of Pakistan Muslim League? Ch. Khaliquzzaman (1949)
Which melts in room temperature? Mercury
Who is the chairman of Senate of Pakistan? Raza Rabbani
What is Soap? Salt
What type of gas in electric bulb? None of these(use Argon, neon etc)
Who is Saudia King? Salman
Who put martial law in 1977? Zia ul Ha
Who abrogated constitution in 1958 and put martial law? Sikandar Mirza
Who is chancellor of Germany? Angela Markel
Second prime minister of Pakistan? Nazim ud din
Who murdered Hazrat Ali R.A? Abdal-Rahman ibn Muljam
Zakat obliged in ? 2.A.H
Battle of Trench? 5 Hijri
Australia Capital? Canbera
Who accompanied in Hijrat to Hazrat Muhammat PBUH? Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A
Evolution means? Continuous
Zamzam means? Stop flowing
After one unit in 1955 who become Chief minister of West Pakistan? Dr Khan Sahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)
In 1946 ministry of finance to? Liaquat Ali Khan
Simon Commission report in year of ? 1930
Capital change to Delhi from Culcutta in? 1911
Dry ice? Solid Carbon dioxide
Indus Basin Treaty ? 1960
Sheetan ko pebble kaha marty? Muzdalfa
ILO? International Labour Organization
Kashghar is in ? China
Pakistan and China connect with? Khunjrab Pass
Lolyd Muhammaden authored by? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Hormuz lies between? Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf
Who abolished one unit? Yahya khan
Jaliawala Bagh Massacre at? Amrster 1919
Sindh separated ? Govt of India Act 1935
After 1946 election the CM of NWFP? Dr. Khan Sahib(Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan)
Which is landlocked country? Nepal
P.M of Iraq? Haider al abidi
New name of Burma? Myanmar
Pakistan and India boundary line? Radcliff
Thickest layer of earth?Mantle
Income tax rate is 10% if tax deducted is 1500 what will be the income? 15000
1,2,4,7,11,16,22……… ? 29
A boy purchase pen for Rs.80 and sold for 40? Loss Rs. 40
A men purchase book of 440 and sold in 400? Loss 40
CNG? Compressed Natural Gas
Quran Pak completed in? 23 years
Janat Ul Baqi? Madina
Daily wages of worker is 200 increased by 10%? 220
Hexagon ? Six sided
More elastic? Steel
Diamond is the form of? Carbon
1st constitution assembly dissolved by? Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad
Montague Chelmsford reforms? 1919
Blood is cleaned by? Liver
Baqrah surah means? Cow
4cm square area? 16cm2
3% of 2000? 60
If 16 men complete work in 10 days how much days required completing work by 8 men? 20 days.
If 45% students fail and 550 pass total number of students? 1000
Four side equal ? Square
Animals Who kill other for food is called ? Predator
Jaddah seaport is on? Red sea
All that glitters is not Gold.
Glance at
Insensible to
Temperate in
Living on
No one took care…. Died
He said good bye to his father
Elephant belongs to my sister and me.
Between 200-300 A.H 6 Hadith books were written.
SAARC has 8 members.
Rats and mice killed by rohtendecides