What was your 'oh crap, this person is a psychopath' moment?

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I went to a therapist and when I told him about my sexual abuse I suffered as a toddler, he went on about how that wasn't the cause of my depression. It was my hormones. Then goes "do you know how to make a horemone?" I said no, figuring he was going to break down the science. He goes "you pay her $2"

Now I have a dark sense of humor but that on the back of me opening up about something traumatic when I was barely more than a baby?

It was the worst. And he was like mid 60s


I really liked the imput from the fello psychopath whos a normal person and how there absolutely is a difference between impaired empathy without malice and impaired impathy with malice


My father was a psychopath and made our families' lives a living hell for our entire childhoods. The damage caused to my mother, sister, and myself was almost unbearable. When he died from cancer, it was a relief. Not one person who knew him has visited his grave, that includes me. It took all of us years to find our way out of the darkness but we did.


For anyone who is wondering the game that is playing in the background is called castle crashers.


End of Story 47, I think the reason it feels more cruel to hurt and abuse animals vs humans is a few reasons.

Animals can’t communicate, they can’t tell anyone that they’re being hurt or abused or neglected, not directly at least. And animals are almost always innocent in nature. There’s very rarely species of animals that kill just to kill or harm just to harm. When an animal attacks, there’s a reason behind it, with that reason normally either being fear or defensiveness.

I also think it’s because domesticated animals, especially dogs, love unconditionally. It’s why hearing of harm or abuse of a child is also awful. Animals and children, by default, love unconditionally. To know someone used that unconditionally love to abuse and harm is just…awful and unthinkable to a normal person.


Once had a former friend would also "test the waters, " with very bold statements and beliefs. Remember that guy who touched that 12 year old at Walmart and fled, but got 60 years in prison for it? Yeah, former friend said, "If it were me, I would have gone all the way if I knew I was getting 60 years." Everyone in the chat went absolutely silent for over 30 seconds. One friend broke the silence by straight up calling him a pedophile, then we had to hear the song and dance of backtracking, "that's not what I meant, " cupcakes, you name it. It's scary how his wife just nods and agrees with everything he says.


Ppl goin into the medical field needs to get a psych evaluation before they can even get certified in their profession because no way should ppl who don’t even care about the lives they come into who are supposed to help these ppl and do more damage than good it’s a sick world already and the ppl who supposed to care are just as sick as the ones they care for


It sounds like Ranger Dave had a mental health event of some sort. Hopefully he can get help for whatever trauma or struggles he has. Glad no one was fatally injured.


Probably should mention animal violence in the warnings.


38:34 pot is a depressant, not a hallucinogen


I can’t stand dog owners who insist that their pet’s obviously aggressive behavior is “friendly.” I think it’s more stupidity than psychopathy, though.


For the ppl that run this channel that pretend they have no idea what commenters are talking about.... THIS GUY is the speaker that everyone wants.


Geez, first story in and I began to worry. I bury dead things.. respectfully.. to decompose.. cause I wanna learn how to articulate tiny skeletons.. phew. I'm still pretty sure it's just a case of 'weirdo' 😂


45:35 (I’m not diagnosing but) there’s a chance this creepy guy just has autism and isn’t very good at recreating faces. It’s taken me my whole life to be able to create expressions that closely reflect my feelings and intentions and I’m still not great at it (not as bad as this guy if he is autistic) there’s a lot of expressions I cannot intentionally do and just don’t do naturally as well as lots of expressions that just come across differently and I don’t know why. Apparently my blank face (which is actually just a “mask” of what I think a blank face should look like) has some kind of emotion in it no-one can explain to me. I’m just trying to look polite and not bored or annoyed. Autism can come with lots of different characteristics and one person will not have all of them, some are contradictory and many are also present in other disorders.


I mean wow that second story
Breaking up with someone
Begging them to come back and stay with them for a while then
Break up again by having their family say why the person who came here needs to move on
Either the family was misinformed of the situation
Or the family was just as insane


My ex boyfriend's dad was a murd£r£r and when we were on a rough patch and when we were fighting he told me "i am my dad's son. I'll do the same thing to you" so glad he's my ex. Was my first love but whatever you make mistakes in life


I'm pretty sure two of my bosses in the past were.
One just enjoyed tricking employees into friendship, then publicly firing them not just in front of staff, but clients, too. With a glint in her eyes and a little smirk on her face.
It was sport to her.

Another made me homeless.
Made her own niece homeless previously, which I only found out much later.
It wasn't even sport to her, we were simply disposable. We got in the way of her wants, and she didn't care about the long-term effects on others.
Others were merely there to serve her goals.
She runs a successful daycare.
Has a rotating staff of young childcare program graduates, pays them little compared to what she charges, and reaps in the cash.
Some parents pulled their kids back when she was more directly involved, but since it's only her staff she's ever abused, nobody really knows.

She just wants money, and knows that childcare is lucrative.


bro imagine seeing someone calling u a psycho on reddit cuz they got a weird feeling about u


13:45 "sometimes it really does feel like story 13" lol. Just tryna lighten the mood cause those stories man


story 17: what the HELL does he mean by "switching bodies"
