JavaScript Methods in Class Instance, Use Method Calls on JavaScript Class Instances, Codecademy JS

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In this JavaScript lesson, we take a look at JavaScript Methods in Class Instance, Use Method Calls on JavaScript Class Instances, Codecademy JS. This lesson is based on Codecademy's Learn Intermediate JavaScript course, Classes section, the lesson is "Method Calls". In previous lessons, we learned how to create methods inside any class we create. In this lesson, we learn how to access our methods in our class instances. We learn that this is possible in the same way that we call methods in any other object. We are able to append our class instance with a period, then we add the property or method name that we want to access. When we access methods we must also include opening and closing parentheses. Learning how to access methods in class instances is a huge leap forward in your programming journey. Make sure to practice creating JavaScript classes and create class methods so you can practice accessing them as well as class properties. Learning how to use class methods in JavaScript will propel you further into your JavaScript programming journey and will ultimately aid you in your programming quest. Make sure to learn JavaScript classes and how properties and methods work for them before moving on! Thanks for watching JavaScript Methods in Class Instance, Use Method Calls on JavaScript Class Instances, Codecademy JS.
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