GANZO Firebird Adimanti Skiman budget EDC pocket knife CF

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here is a video about the carbon fiber on Ganzo knives

and big thanks to Stacey for letting me know that I've been mispronouncing the word FAUX is FŌ not "fox" 🙏🏻😁
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Great looking knife & great materials, it has a good sound to it too👍


I dig these man. S30v sounds good to me. I do like the look of this. Seems like my kind of blade i like a glass breaker. Thank you for sharing brother.


Cool review. I am also not a fan of those laminated CF over g10 scales but the knife looks great. Adimanti is like the lexus of ganzo and both those brands are great value. Thank you for sharing now I also want the s30 one.


Good review! I have a Ganzo with the faux (pronounced fō) carbon fiber & it's ok. But the real thing is much different, especially the shred & the metal infused! Really sweet! Thanks & give Don Quixote some scratches & pats for me! 😻


I like the blade, and the grinds do look good. I'm with you on what I call grid carbon fiber, pass. I have a similar distaste for some of Rough Ryders jigged bone. They have this type that's symmetrical and 100% looks like a machine did it. I prefer the random pattern, wavy asymmetrical jigging that looks more natural, like stag. Same thing with this carbon fiber vs the marbled kind. Thanks for the review Jerry!


That CF laminate feels a whole lot better if you use some fine (1200 to 2k) sandpaper to rough up the surface a bit. It's absolutely real CF, just a thin layer. Having said that, that whole concept needs to go away.

Every time I've ordered LVA (aerospace grade) carbon fiber it's had that same texture until you sand/shape it, so it's not just a cf laminate issue.


If you take the scale off it will have a more rough texture on the inside and also on the edges the fiber can be seen. comparing a rounded off scale to a flat scale may be what's making it seem like it's not.
