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🔹too many favorite moisturizers & SPF's to list here but I'm happy to recommend one for your skintype if you need help)



🌸I normally reply to comments but I won't be replying to every comment in this video since there will most likely be many more than normal. However if you have a question, feel free to ask away. I will do my best to reply to you. I'm always so appreciative of you even watching my channel, so I try my best to always reply to comments on the 1st couple days that a new video goes live on YouTube. Once I read your comment, I will put a heart on it so you know I saw it. But be sure to check back on your comment section after Sunday to see if I replied to let you know if you are the winner. I'll also share it on Instagram stories and in the community tab here once a winner is confirmed.

Giveaway Rules: (🌸GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED)
1. This giveaway will end Sunday May 29 2022 at 11:59 p.m. EST (🌸GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED)
2. One winner will be chosen (I forgot to say what the gifts were LOL but it's a few popular Osmosis products and some other skincare goodies that I absolutely love)
6. Must leave a reply here and tell me you would like to be entered in the giveaway, as well as your favorite skincare product and what state you are in.
7. IMPORTANT: I will NOT ever ask you to send money or anything like that so please be aware of scams. Winner will be notified via DM on Instagram or I will message you back via YouTube in your comment. So make sure you check your IG DM'S after Sunday and make sure you check back here on your comment. If I don't hear back from the winner within 24 hours, I will unfortunately have to choose a new winner, so please check back on your comment for my reply. If you receive a reply with my picture but it's a different account, that's not me. I see a lot of scams going on.
8. This giveaway is not affiliated with YouTube or Instagram
9. This giveaway is open to US residents only.

She is strong and graceful, as well as cheerful about the future. Her words are sensible, and advice is thoughtful. (Prov. 31: 25-26 CEV)

FTC: This video is NOT sponsored. I NEVER DO SPONSORED VIDEOS. Some links are affiliate links. If you use my links I may receive a referral commission. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please consult w/ your Dr before trying products I discuss. Products mentioned are what works FOR ME.

#firmskin #matureskin #over50 #over60 #over40 #saggyskin #tighteneyelids #saggyeyelids #looseskin #droopyeyes
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🔹too many favorite moisturizers & SPF's to list here but I'm happy to recommend one for your skintype if you need help)



This product works! Been using for a few years now. My broken capillaries are gone! My eyelids are firm. I use this 360 degrees all around the eyes. Absolutely this works!


I'm new to this channel and I scrolled through all of these comments and 99% were liked by Sheri. I gained so much respect for her by just that alone that I had to subscribe. She has over 180, 000 subs and she still shows love and appreciation for those that support her channel. 🙌🏾💖💖💖


I am new to crepey skin. I came to this video after watching 3-10-23, I m hoping this is still your go-to. Your skin is absolutely amazing! I'm 52 and going through health problems and as a result have lost over 40lbs in an extremely small amount of time. Not only am I learning not to be self conscious about my weight but my face for the first time in my life.. I would appreciate advice. I know it's less than likely seeing as this video is 9 months old. Thank you for sharing everything you do!
God bless you and your loved ones 🙏❤️


I recently started experiencing crapey eyelids and it sucks. I turned to YouTube snd there was very little content on this topic. This video popped up today and I so grateful someone is addressing this issue. This product was not what I was expecting!


Hi Sheri !!!! I love ❤️ Leah, I buy most of my products from her... love the fact she was honored by Osmosis!!! She always answers my questions and helps me with recommendations!!! I finally bit the bull-it and bought the new Retinol from TT... that was because of you!!!
I just ran out of my rescue which I also love!!! Yes yes please enter me in the giveaway would that's so AWESOME!
I'm going over to the Osmosis page to congratulate Leah!!! That's so cool 😎!!!


If I could have skin like you I'M IN!!! I love your look today. Excited to watch the video on instant eye lift. I'm behind so looking forward to that hack. I'm 63 and the struggle is real on the sagging. My favorite skincare is Timeless Vitamin C and Tretinoin.


Hi Sheri oh my goodness!!! You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this specific product. I hate to wear eye shadow due to the extra skin on my eyes. It’s made me feel so uncomfortable. So to find this on your channel has me over the moon to try! So yes please enter me in your giveaway puh-leez 😃


Skeptical but would love to try I’m 60 and don’t even bother with eyeshadow due to the crepeness! Love your videos.


What a generous giveaway, Sheri! I’m keeping my fingers crossed! At 73 I can use all the help I can get! 😉 I’d have to say that Tretinoin has become my favorite skincare. Cheers to you and Leah from the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of north Georgia!


I was getting rosacea type redness on my face. After much research I decided to try and heal my gut. I used the Osmosis skin clarifier 10 day blemish cleanse. Started eating the L Reuteri & L gasseri “yogurt”. Any other probiotics seemed to make it way worse. I stopped drinking Starbucks instant coffee. My skin was glowing. And I haven’t had a single flare up since. Not sure what exactly caused it. But it’s gone. So now for my eyelids I shall try this Osmosis product. Thank you!


Hooded eye is the bane of my existence. My right eye is so much worse than my left and is affecting my peripheral vision. I have been considering surgery. Before I take that leap I will give this a true 6 month go. Thank you so, so much!


Sheri, I'm so sorry you weren't able to keep the skincare! This product has my name on it and seriously considering it. I don't have a DNA repair product in my routine and have
enjoyed Osmosis' stem cell product in the past. Have a great week and thank you.


I’m 63 and I’ve gotten so much saggy skin . This product looks so promising! 110% improvement is skin elasticity!! Wow!, would love to win this! Just gotta say…you are glowing!


I love all the osmosis products! I tried both rescue old and new version and im actually obsessed with the smell from old version and went back to purchase it! I just started using growth factor and love it! Please allow me to enter the giveaways! Thank you and Leah for all the informative reviews on products❤️❤️

EDITED: I forgot to mention the state, California! 😅


This product sounds very promising. I've always had hooded eyes.
The past few years have been hard. I took care of my mom 24/7 with no help for over 2 years. She died in October at age 94. I miss her so much. (She wore her makeup into her 90's. ❤️) In the last couple months I've tried to get back to taking care of me. I saw a Dermatologist last month and got Tretinoin. I'm hoping to remove some of the neglect from my face that was caused by the last few years. Best wishes!


Thank you and Leah for this generous giveaway! My all time favorite skincare item is Tret, I use Altreno which is super hydrating and my face feels less irritated than regular tret. Have a great holiday weekend and thanks for our current and retired troops and especially those who died serving in the armed forces.


I'm new! I got the Osmosis and cant wait to start using it. If I see an improvement I will post about my results.You have the most beautiful skin!


Wow this sounds amazing and I need it! I don’t really have a “favorite” product. I have tried many of your suggestions over the years and eager to try this! I’d love to be entered into this great giveaway. Thanks!


I was browsing & when I saw your video I had to watch as I have very hooded eyes & as I’ve gotten older with my mature skin my eyelids have become more loose just like you were describing in this video. I have to pat my eyeshadow on my eyelids or it looks caked on.
I have to say I am skeptic however I’d love to try this product to see if it works at all! 15% doesn’t seem like a noticeable difference however any tightening at all would be an improvement for my loose eyelid skin!
I have watched your videos in the past from time to time & thoroughly enjoyed them. You have always seemed to be an honest person so I hope this seemingly miracle product works!!
Loved this video!! Thanks so much!!♥️♥️♥️
