They Drained This Canal for the First Time in Decades, and What They Discovered is Truly Bizarre

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Recently, authorities drained a long-neglected canal for the first time in decades, uncovering a host of peculiar and unexpected findings. From forgotten artifacts to submerged structures, the revelations provide a fascinating glimpse into the hidden history beneath the water's surface, sparking intrigue and curiosity about what lies beneath other forgotten waterways.

Monster Fish

The draining of Yunchan Lake in central China, undertaken for the first time in decades, failed to capture an elusive "monster" fish known as the alligator gar. This invasive freshwater species, with razor-sharp teeth and a potential threat to humans, drew large crowds and social media attention during the search. Originating from the US and brought to China as pets, these garfish, capable of reaching 10 feet in length, have been released into lakes when they grow too large.

Despite draining the 30-acre Yunchan Lake and extensive efforts, the 27.5-inch gar remained uncaught. Authorities cite the fish's risk to ecosystems and humans, but experts question the economic viability of such extreme measures to address the issue. Social media platforms, including Weibo, buzzed with anticipation, comparing the event to the hunt for the Loch Ness Monster.


In a peculiar incident following the drainage of a Minnesota lake for the first time in decades, an intriguing video raises questions about the existence of mermaids. The footage shows two men in yellow suits approaching the lake, where they slowly pull a mysterious figure from the water. The creature bears a striking resemblance to a mermaid, with a distinctive finned tail covered in green scales. The four-minute video ends abruptly as the men notice the filming observer.

While similar instances have been captured before, with a merman seen in Poland in 2015, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration emphasized in 2012 that there is no evidence supporting the existence of these "legendary sea creatures." Despite this, some individuals pursue mermaiding as a full-time profession, competing annually for the Miss Mermaid UK prize.
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I miss the other narrator that sounds like he was from New York
