The Secret Society That Connects All Religions

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00:00 - Introduction
00:35 - The Hidden Rose
03:02 - The Alchemical Marriage
07:04 - The Sacred Writings
09:47 - The Alchemical Minds
11:23 - Masonic Alchemy
14:19 - Guardians of the Flame
16:44 - Conclusion

Researched, scripted, edited & produced by the Law Of Insights team.
Music produced by Law Of Insights (Copyright Control)

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Rosicrucian Order, Secret Society, Connects All Religions, Mystical Traditions, Esoteric Knowledge, Spiritual Enlightenment, Occult Brotherhood, Alchemical Wisdom, Ancient Mysteries, Hermetic Philosophy, Universal Brotherhood, Hidden Teachings, Spiritual Alchemy, Mystical Fraternity, Sacred Knowledge, Alchemical Secrets, Inner Illumination, Esoteric Traditions, Spiritual Unity, Mystical Pathways, Secret Wisdom, Spiritual Alchemists, Metaphysical Wisdom, Spiritual Enlightenment, Alchemical Symbolism, Mystical Connections, Universal Harmony, Sacred Mysteries, Esoteric Brotherhood, Spiritual Synthesis
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9 minutes in and he mostly talking about either nothing or complete nonsense.


The elixir is serum of Truth 🌟it’s encoded in everyone’s DNA 🧬 🔥 🐉 💦 ~ it’s released by source 😇🪄 upon permission from source. Individually, we all have an inner excavation that done properly will lead you to inner purity of consciousness presented through your intentions and motives here in 3-D~ 👑 We are eternal sparks of DIVINITY ( made in the image of LOVE ( obviously we lost our way, so we incarnated here on earth kind of like an open air prison lol. ) presenting here to learn LOVE ❤️ ABSOLUTE LOVE . No need to look outside yourself for the 666 it is your avatar aka meat suit 😊 six protons six neutrons six electrons it is YOUR sentencing.. individually, we will flip to the 999 completion in ANANA ABSOLUTE LOVE . remember you are eternal so you can’t get this wrong it never ends.🥳 remember kids you’re made of Stardust🪄🌟🐉Nothing new under the sun 🌞 ITS ALL ABOUT MAKING A “WE” we we all the way home 🤣WESR LIFE LIKE A LOOSE GARMENT ~ leading cause of death ☠️???

It’s BIRTH 😁
SHLAMA SHALOM NAMESTE enjoy your journey kind soul that is reading this 🤗


The picture you used of Christian is actually a picture of the count of saint Germaine and the thumbnail is of a member of Crowleys A: A: or Argentum astrum otherwise great video


It sounds like either bad AI or Kamala Harris wrote this. 😂


The Rosicrucian Order is but a small part of a larger order. Likewise, the Emerald Tablet is but a small part of a larger order. Sir Francis Bacon was a bastard son of Queen Elizabeth I, so she and he communicated only by secret code. She instructed him as a teenager to travel to Europe and Egypt to become initiated into the Freemason secret society, the Rosicrucian secret society and the mystery school at Giza, Egypt. William ("Bill') Cooper provided documentary evidence of the secret, occult order that has ruled mankind throughout its existence on planet Earth. It is known as the Order of The Serpent, a/k/a the Order of the Dragon, and it has been called by different names since its origin to the present time. It predates all religions and philosophies.


Just curious are you anywhere near the Ozarks? I noticed the water and the trees- looked familiar…. :)
I came across your same conclusion through a very long spiritual journey of my own leading up to a @rebirth so to speak, two years ago.. I walked around in sheer bliss for 14 days straight- never experienced anything like it before in my life. I felt like I had somehow or some way brought the heavens down to me to earth. And after those two weeks, I not only communed with God/Source, for 8 months straight but God’s peace HAS NEVER LEFT ME not for one second…Where one has peace, one has God…. It’s been a journey of a lifetime- words truly can’t describe….
And as you spoke about the truth that you have known- it’s very similar to mine… :). Wanted to say hello kind soul…. And if you do feel like it- stay in touch…☺️


To enslave and imprison is power of knowledge?


For those wondering what to do if they want to get into studying the tradition start with reading the Fama and the Confessio and then The Chemical Wedding. Use those to build up a knowledge base on related subjects like Neoplatonic Christianity, Kabbalah, Hermeticism, Valentinian Gnosticism, Sufism etc. After that be very wary. As someone who spent over a decade in the occult world (I left the Ordo Templi Orientis a few years back to walk my own path) while I was involved I encountered a lot of Rosicrucian Orders and some of them are sketchy whether cult-like, financially corrupt, spreading misinformation about their lineage to appear more legitimate etc... only two groups felt legitimate and that's the SRIA and BOTA and which one suits you best depends on you.. also do remember many Rosicrucians myself included do not consider membership in a group important. Self initiation and solo practice are fully respected by the core texts and teachings which speak of the Order as metaphysical. Most RC groups claim to just be a congregation of RC putting into play the instructions for the more physical aspects like knowledge sharing.

SRIA requires you to be a 3rd degree Mason to join. This has benefits of weeding out those who are only there to be there... which happens more often in occult groups than you might think. Their successes speak for themselves. The SRIA's members went on to, on the occult side of things, create The Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn (the basis of almost all modern Western occult traditions from Wicca to Thelema) to the scientific side with their Invisible College members meeting at Gresham College to create what would become the most influential scientific society in the world The Royal Society of England (their website acknowledges this openly) known for having Isaac Newton as President, Stephen Hawking as a fellow, the electromagnetic field being demonstrated by Faraday in its halls (literally and figuratively bringing light to the world) and much much more. Out of all esoteric groups I've encountered none were as grounded yet diverse in their possible paths as Freemasonry. Stay far away from AMORC they're often called the Scientology of Rosicrucianism.


Does it really connect all religions? It sounds very Christocentric in nature although that could have been a cover to evade persecution. The gnostic roots are still part of Judeo-Christian tradition formed from the Abrahamic religions and the elements of the teachings from the Greek mystery schools with their links to Egyptian esoteric teachings give these teachings a distinctive Western flavour. In my limited understanding of this subject I would say that these teachings appear on the surface to be dualistic as opposed to some of the Eastern traditions which are distinctly non-dual. A truly universal path needs to paradoxically encompass both dual and non-dual teachings.
This is simply a personal observation from my vantage point.


Lore of The Secret Society That Connects All Religions momentum 100


The words are there and they are nice, and they paint a pretty picture, to some people they might even seem attractive, to go on this quest, to uncover the secrets and the mysteries of the occult, quite an adventure right? But then again, there are true mysteries, and there are people who muddy the water in order to make them seem deep. You're part of the latter.

You seem to talk nice, about things like growth and personal development and compassion and enlightment, and you reveal the fact that for centuries, these enlightened and incredibly smart brotherhood of men have been working to lift up humanity spirits and improve life, and become incredible.
To me, these all seem like pretty words, because although the words are there, if we look at how the world is today, it doesn't really look like that actions have spoken from themselves, have they?
And then i ask, if you had hundreds of years of enlightening people and raising spirits and the world is as it is today, then doesn't this mean that your teachings have been nothing but hamster wheels and mazes to put people to learn "secrets" just so that you can grow an organization and have some people to play with? If those are the results, then where are you guiding the seekers, the innocent and the curious to?

i can't fathom someone working for centuries, in true good faith, and with their best intentions in mind, and these are the results that they have to show for. Unless of course, these were the results that the work was intended for.

With that said, i would like to leave you with a little understanding, because by the looks of it, if god was standing in front of you, you'd probably ask them to come over and get enlightened.
People who create prisons or mazes for others, trying to lead people on a shiny path, if they end up doing it long enough, often forget that their position is on the inside.

Another piece of understanding, is that only people need other people to sit on their knees and pray, give rules about what to eat and what to do with their money, when to have sex. So if you ask me, i have no idea what you're doing.

And if you really want to start somewhere, you might start with being honest.


This sounds like a boring fanfic of vampire the masquerade


Beware of demons knowledge. The fallen ones are liars since the begining. Read the book of Enoch.


Wtf did I just listen to? Like a chat bot learned about A.I. and wen ham???




The exploration of Rosicrucianism is a fascinating dive into a mystic tradition that has shaped Western esotericism. I find it intriguing how Rosicrucianism weaves together elements of alchemy, Christian Gnosticism, and philosophy, creating a unique tapestry of spiritual teachings. The symbolic journey of Christian Rosen, whether a historical figure or a mythic archetype, adds depth to the narrative, reflecting the cyclical themes of life, death, and rebirth.

These three manifestos and their allegorical nature prompts me to ponder the role of symbolism in conveying esoteric knowledge. I wonder if viewers have encountered similar allegorical teachings in other mystical traditions.


Pleasing background sound in correlation with the voice. Ok information.


Sounds like esoteric Christianity to me.


Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life this is occult bs


Whats with that alcohlic English accent?
