50 Most Difficult and Advanced Vocabulary in English | C2 Level English

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In this video, you will learn the 50 most difficult and advanced vocabularies in English with meanings and synonyms.
If you know a lot of advanced vocabulary, you can communicate your thoughts more efficiently. Learning specific vocabulary in context will serve you throughout you’re your life in taking preparation for standardized exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE.
Practicing these 50 complex and advanced vocabulary will enhance your comprehension level in English.
Another important benefit of learning advanced vocabulary is it will help in different situations like job interviews, business settings, and personal relationships.
When it comes to learning English, most students waste their valuable time working through textbooks and doing grammar exercises. Still, if you really want to improve your vocabulary skills you have to learn the words in context with accurate meaning and synonyms and example sentences.
Here. You will find the top 50 advanced vocabularies to take your vocabulary skill to the next level

2 Hours Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE | C1 C2 level English

4 Hours of C1 C2 Proficiency Vocabulary

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Abberation: A departure from what is normal, or usual.
Oddity, abnormality, deviation
Acumen: The ability to make good judgements.
Intelligence, astuteness, discernment
Aggrandize: To make something more powerful or important.
Elevate, promote, glorify
Ambivalent: Having two opposite feelings at the same time.
Undecided, wavering, uncertain
Arbitary: Based on random choice or personal whim(a sudden choice or change of mind).
Inconsistent, aimless, haphazard
Barren: Not producing or unable to produce plants.
Desolate, infertile, unproductive
Beguile: To entertain and convience by flattery
Mislead, decieve(to show something is not true), hoodwink
Convivial: pleasent and friendly in manner and attutiude
Amiable, good humored, cordial(warm and friendly)
Commensurate: Correspondingly in size or degree; in proportion
Equivalent, correlative, matching
Concomitant: Existing or occuring at the same time.
Coincident, coexisting, concurrent
Callous: Without sympathy or feeling for other people.
Unfeeling, inhumane, merciless
Camaraderie: Mutual trust and friendship among people.
Fellowship, solidarity, brotherhood
Circumlocution: Complicated way of expressing something.
Ambiguity, obscurity, vagueness
Dearth: A scarcity or lack of something.
Deficiency, paucity, scarcity
Delicacy: Something especially expensive or rare
Elegance, dignity, majesty
Debunk: To show that an idea or belief is false.
Disprove, challenge, negate, decieve
Dogmatic: To follow a set of rules in an arrogant manner.
Doctrinaire, adamant, emphatic
Ephemeral: Something fleeting(living for a short time) or short lived
Temporary, transitory, fleeting
Empirical: Based on observation and practical experiences
Experimental, factual, pragmatic
Endeavor: An effort or attempt to do something.
Attempt, undertaking, exercise
Enormity: Something extreme almost beyond comprehension.
Hugeness, immensity, dreadfulness
Exacerbate: To make something that is already bad worse.
Aggravate, infuriate, worsen
Fathom: Understand something complicated or mysterious
Comprehend, understand, discern
Homogeneous: Of the same or similar kind or nature.
Identical, analogous, congruent
Hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence
Pompousness, arrogance, haughtiness
Instigate: To cause something to happen or begin.
Provoke, stimulate, arouse
Iconoclast: Someone who opposes society's beliefs or customs.
Dissident, bohemian, nonconformist
Idiosyncratic: Having strange, or unusual way of behaving.
Peculiar, acentric, outlandish
Inundate: To cover an area with a large amount of water.
Submerge, overflow, overwhelm
Laconic: Using few words in speech or writing.
Reticent, reserved, elliptical
Leverage: Use something to maximum advantage.
Support, advantage, dominance
Mendaciuos: One who tells lies habitually and intentionally.
Fraudlent, dishonest, untruthful
Mundane: Very ordinary and therefore not interesting
Ordinary, commonplace, humdrum
Obdurate: Stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing.
Obstinate, stubborn, unyielding
Panacea: A solution for all problems or difficulties.
Remedy, magic formula, universal cure
Paramount: very importance of highest rank or importance.
Predominant, leading, foremost
Paradigm: A standard model of something.
Model, archetype, prototype
Plethora: A large or exessive amount of something
Profusion, plenty, myraid
Phenomenon: An extraordinary occurence, or sitaution.
Happening, circumstance, incident
Promulgate: To announce new ideas and beliefs publicly.
Broadcast, proclaim, disseminate
Reminiscent: A wakening memory of something similar.
Evocative, suggestive, nostalgic
Sagacity: Good judgement based on practical knowledge.
Wisdom, intelligence, learning
Serendipity: A seeming gift for finding something good.
Happy chance, fortune, coincidence
Surreptitious: Done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing.
Stealthy, secret, clandestine
Taboo: Prescribed(advise and authorize) by society as improper or unacceptable
Forbidden, prohibited, banned
Travesty: An absurd(wildly illogical) or grotesque misrepresentation.
Mockery, distortion, falsification
Uniquitous: Present appearing, or found everywhere
Worldwide, prevalent, widespread
Unanimous: Having the agreement and consent of all.
Congenial, harmonious, like-minded
Vigilant: Keeping careful watch for possible danger.
Watchful, circumspect, observant
Whimsical: Acting or behavior in a playful manner.
Fanciful, imaginative, humorous


You are really excellent teachers of English lessons, a lot of thanks, and what is the name of your learning platform?


Woo i enjoy it to get journey to the new deep learning vocabulary words.

Thank God to building our minds to become successful and practical without give up


These are all very advanced. They remind me of the vocabulary for the SAT exam.


I know all the meanings of the words, but I'm a very poor English speaker.


It's eccentric not acentric... The synonym of idiosyncratic


most native speakers don't know these words.

Source: I live here


Read by a robot with numerous mispronounciations


First, find out the difference between 'words' and 'vocabulary'!


It's facinating, itsnessery to memorise ?please becouse from my memory i already capted what means.some words.and more nor haw many words i can handle ? Then my English kill is advance?
